Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘Brexit

Football Bores Me Silly and Until This Week, So Did Gary Lineker

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Good for him. His principled and dignified stance totally defeated the disgraceful attacks on him by hard right, authoritarian Conservative MPs and a weak, bullied BBC management compromised by the corrupt Conservative crony, Richard Sharp.

Of course, his tweets were factually accurate. The disgusting language of several Conservative ministers is an exact match for words used by German politicians in the 1930s. Several prominent Holocaust survivors have said the same thing.

The reaction of the increasingly extreme British press is predictable but no less reprehensible. I have voted Conservative for 45 years but the lurch to the hard right and the total incompetence over Brexit has made the party a danger to Britain. It has to go and if it wants to survive it needs to rid itself of the self-serving, bickering fools who are, yes really, letting it descend towards fascism.

I’ll go further than the comparison Lineker made. This useful table shows just how deep into the gutter the Conservative Party has sunk.

Written by Peter Reynolds

March 13, 2023 at 6:32 pm

Happy Brexit Day!

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I care less about Brexit than I do about democracy and power being in the hands of the people.
It is wonderful to see the people overpowering the media, big business, the bankers, the bureaucrats and even those who should never have gone near the political gutter, our Supreme Court justices.
Democracy is the people’s power and today is the day we took back control, the day we put the Great back in Britain.

Written by Peter Reynolds

January 31, 2020 at 5:18 pm

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After Three Years Bickering, Parliament Must Now Submit To The People

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HM The Queen has agreed the prime minister’s request to prorogue Parliament. This virtually extinguishes any chance of MPs being able to delay Brexit any longer.  It looks, at last, as if democracy will prevail in the UK and the people will have defeated the outlaw Parliament.

How did this shower of incompetents ever get elected in the first place?  How did they come to so badly misunderstand the public mood that they set Parliament against the people? And how have they so badly mismanaged their own affairs that they are now shut out from causing any further delay?

At the root of it is our corrupt and profoundly undemocratic political party and constituency system. We never have any real choice of who to elect as our MP and most of them are so arrogant that they don’t give a damn what we think anyway.  The only options we are presented with are candidates who have been selected by out-of-touch party  activists and in most constituencies it makes no difference how you vote because the sitting party will always win whoever they put up as candidate.

It’s no suprise then the quality of candidates is so poor or that once in power they maintain a system that gives as many of them as possible a job for life.  As they’ve shown by the way they have fumbled their attempts to wreck Brexit, they are useless, useless idiots. Perhaps only half a dozen worthy of any respect.

The truth is that British democracy is not fit for purpose. It serves the political class, not the people. We need root and branch reform. If I had my way, at the next General Election I’d bar all sitting MPs from ever standing again. I’d rearrange all constituency boundaries strictly on the size of the population. I’d introduce a system of primaries where each party had to put at least two people up for voters to decide who would be the candidates. I’d make MPs legally obliged to represent their constituent’s views based on local opinion polls and their contract of employment would require minimum standards of service in trms of deaing with constituents’ issues, complaints and emails.

I fervently hope that Brexit will cause a massive shake up of these incompetents and many will decide not to stand again.  The gravy train has come to the end of the line and they can’t even catch the shuttle to Brussels now for a cozy retirement plan.

Written by Peter Reynolds

August 28, 2019 at 5:01 pm

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Never Understimate The Power Of Leadership

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At last! After three years of miserable, negative, guaranteed-to-fail incompetence, we have a leader who will make things happen.

Theresa May was a dreadful home secretary and our worst ever prime minister.  Everything she did at the Home Office went wrong. To use the adjective she once chose, she’s a nasty politician, and the Conservatives were stupid, utterly barmy, to make her leader.  As I’ve written before, she never had an ounce of leadership ability. She is an authoritarian bureaucrat, a pen pusher with out-of-date, out-of-touch, discriminatory and spiteful ideas and no ability at all but administration.  I wouldn’t put her in charge of anything except an office full of not very bright book keepers.

Boris is exactly what Britain needs.

They say he’s Marmite but I don’t agree.  I like lots but there’s also some that I dislike.  He’s flaky, unreliable and I wouldn’t lend him a tenner. If you gave him your bag of coke to go to the loo with, you wouldn’t trust him to bring it back.

It doesn’t matter. he’s still the right man for the job.

The EU and the particularly oily Michel Barnier have totally humilated us.  Our negotiating position and ability have been atrocious, worse than useless.  It’s time now to remind the EU that they are dealing with Britain, the fifth largest economy and the world leader in soft power,

We have let our star fall far too far.  It is time to put things right and Boris is the man to do that.  After he’s got us through this we can put someone serious and boring in charge.

Written by Peter Reynolds

July 30, 2019 at 9:33 pm

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Surely it’s Unethical for an ‘Impartial’ BBC Journalist to Switch Instantaneously to a Political Candidate?

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Or Does it Just Confirm the Worst Fears About the BBC?

Everybody with eyes, ears and a brain knows the BBC is packed with Remainers from top to bottom. It does its best to pretend to be balanced but it’s always been soft left, pro-status quo and the oily Gavin Esler demonstrates just how corrupt our so-called ‘national broadcaster’ has become.  I’m just surprised the BBC’s Europe correspondent, Katya Adler, hasn’t joined him.

The growing strength of the majority, determined to enforce the Brexit vote, defies the power of the BBC. Despite its calculated propaganda and disinformation campaign, the resolution of those who value our self-determination is set to triumph.

Esler is an unprincipled shyster who has destroyed any future journalistic career by his brazen deceit.  Such shameful conduct, without the decency of even a short pause, condemns his honour, his integrity and his life’s work.  He won’t win any seat anywhere and he can slink off into obscurity.  As for Change UK, which has launched on a platform of not changing anything, it’s just a rather silly joke.

When, with the Brexit Party,  we ‘Change Politics for Good’, the governance of the BBC and the mafia-like culture that pervades it should be high on the target list for cleansing.

Written by Peter Reynolds

April 24, 2019 at 10:27 am

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If The UK Government Refuses To Obey Parliament There Is No Longer Any Rule Of Law. Do As You Will.

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The corruption and arrogance of Theresa May, her ministers, her government and the Conservative Party cannot be more clearly demonstrated than in their refusal to comply with the Parliamentary resolution to publish the legal advice on Brexit.

Parliament is supreme.  It is also the highest court in the land, higher even than the Supreme Court. Its will is the law.

And if the deeply corrupt Theresa May pursues this path, the rule of law no longer applies in the UK.  In which case, do as you will. I urge you however to continue to comply with common law and natural justice.  Do nothing that harms or infringes the rights of anyone else.

The most obvious example is grow your own cannabis.  If Theresa May doesn’t want to obey Parliament, there’s no reason why you should either.

Written by Peter Reynolds

December 4, 2018 at 12:13 pm

Total Defeat and Humilation of Britain By the EU, Plotted By A Treasonous PM and Gang of Remainers

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The British electorate has been betrayed by a devious conspiracy of the political establishment. What we voted for has been denied and Theresa May has subverted what was already a poor excuse for a democracy. Beyond doubt she is a traitor, as with propaganda that we have paid for, fake negotiations and an incompetent opposition she has given away everything that Britain stood for.

This is the time to overthrow the government. A century and more ago this would have been by violent revolution but in our pampered, all-too-comfortable world, our corrupt politicians know that will not happen and in the surveillance state that is modern Britain, the authoritarians that rule over us would never let it.

On the wall of my office, over my left shoulder, is that wonderful war time poster of RAF airmen and Churchill’s famous quote “Never was so much owed by so many to to so few.” Truly, Theresa May and her government have thrown that all away.  We are disgraced and shamed, our leading role in history reversed by small-minded, self-serving bureaucracts.

Our only hope now is that Parliament will overturn this shambles and that we will exit with no deal. I accept that this will be chaotic and may cause all of us great problems but the alternative, to continue with Mrs May’s scheme would be disastrous.  She must be removed from office and although it’s an impossible fantasy, she should go directly to jail.

Written by Peter Reynolds

November 25, 2018 at 10:02 am

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Chuka Umunna Wants To Make Britain’s Failed Democracy Even More Dysfunctional.

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Those 650 people in the House of Commons who earn fat salaries and enjoy very generous expense accounts have failed us beyond redemption.  The huge opportunity that was Brexit, that we chose by referendum in the most fundamental exercise of democracy, has been destroyed by bickering, self-interest and incompetence.

I first walked into the Palace of Westminster in 1983 and since then, particularly in the last seven years, I have met and worked with many MPs from cabinet ministers to renegade backbenchers.  Sadly, my conclusion is that with barely a handful of exceptions they are useless, mostly a waste of our time and money and more of an impediment to our peace and prosperity than anything else.

Our two party system, our archaic parliamentary procedures, our hopeless first-past-the-post voting mean that British democracy is not fit for purpose.  It doesn’t benefit us, the people, it only serves those who work in the Westminster bubble. Yes, I include the parasite commentators, journalists, lobbyists and civil servants as well, where again I would make precious few exceptions.

Now Chuka Umunna, a politician who I have always disliked for his creepy, pious, virtue signalling personality, is whining about the exercise of true democracy in the Labour Party where unpopular MPs are being deselected by the party membership.  He would prefer that the Blairite-dominated Parliamentary Labour Party of a few hundred members should override the half a million party members.  He wants to see power placed firmly back in the hands of Labour’s MPs and let’s be clear, Blairite MPs are particularly heinous examples of the corrupt, self-serving waste of our time and money that I complain of.

He even calls party members “dogs” in a display of the most outrageous hypocrisy from a man who has been at the forefront of criticising other people’s language in the fake antisemitism row, the bickering over Brexit and the wildly exaggerated attacks on men and heterosexual culture. He is a pimp who whores out his own media profile for personal gain, irrespective of truth, justice, decency and least of all the electorate which pays his wages.

It is MPs who should more accurately be described as dogs, perhaps wolves, who prey on the electorate solely for their own purposes.  The sooner these arrogant, out-of-touch animals from all parties are brought to heel the better.  It’s trite to say that Guy Fawkes had the right idea but while I wouldn’t blow them all up (we should preserve the building at least!), I would sack them all tomorrow.  I’d make them all stand for re-election under a proportional representation system and I’d ensure that any of them could be forced to stand again at any time at the behest of a significant number of their constituents.  No system of democracy could be worse than what we have now.  In fact, the British parliamentary system barely deserves the name.

Chuka Umunna, Theresa May, Margaret Hodge, Chris Grayling – yes, these are examples of MPs who I believe have no place at all in our system of government and there at least 600 others who come a very close second.  Our Members of Parliament are a disgrace.  They have let us all down again and again and the Brexit fiasco should be the final straw.

Written by Peter Reynolds

September 9, 2018 at 10:03 am

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The Conservative Party Is Destroying Britain. It Must Be Stopped. #AndImATory

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Theresa May is in charge and her party is causing immense, possibly irrepairable damage to Britain.  She must be called to account and her party must be stopped.  This is a grave national emergency which in some countries would provoke a military coup. Who can say that in the interests of our nation this is not justified?  I’d trust one of our senior military officers to act more responsibly than any member of the cabinet, any day.

Sadly, I cannot see a heavily armed band of brothers seizing Downing Street and carting Mrs May off to HMP Belmarsh but something close to such drama is urgently needed.  If there is anyone left in the Conservative Party who puts the national interest before their own, they need to step forward.  I can see no way ahead except a general election.

That may cause an inevitable crashing out of the EU. Article 50 has been activated and we are on a predetermined timetable. If we haven’t done a deal by the next March we will exit with all future trade on WTO terms.  My view is that would be a very good thing.  It woud deliver what we voted for in the referendum and we would be forced to make it work.

All the bleating, hand-wringing from the treasonous Remainers would be hot air, dispersing into nothingness that it was all along.  I wish that the vile, whining cabal of Chuka Ummuna, Anna Soubry, Ken Clarke, Chris Leslie and others would resign.  They have campaigned relentlessly against the people’s decision, they have sabotaged our nation and they are no longer fit to be in Parliament.

But no one bears more responsibility than Theresa May.  The Brexit supporting MPs are rightly insisting that Brexit must be implemented and she has deceived, cheated, procrastinated, double-crossed and betrayed.  No consequence can be serious enough for her but I will be content provided she is removed from office and public life for ever.

Written by Peter Reynolds

July 17, 2018 at 7:41 pm

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Two Years Of Conservatives Procrastinating Over The EU At Britain’s Expense. How Much Has That Cost?

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Ten billion?  A hundred billion?  I have no idea but I’m sure there’s some overpaid civil servant in the Treasury who can work it out. What we should then do is send an invoice to the Conservative Party.  It has dithered and argued amongst itself, destroyed the huge opportunity that Brexit offered and seriously damaged the economy and our society, all for its own self-indulgence.

The government should issue the invoice, perhaps with a covering note pointing out that it and the party are two entirely separate legal entities.  The government acts on behalf of the people of Britain and does not fund the Conservative Party except as laid down in statute, as is available to all parties.

If the Conservative Party isn’t prepared to pay the invoice, then the Treasury Solicitor should be instructed to issue a claim.  I’m sure leading counsel, at our considerable (but relatively insignificant) expense, can find a way to make the claim stick. If it’s not settled then the Court will reach the appropriate judgment and we can then commence insolvency proceedings against the Conservative Party.  That will sort out a large part of the country’s problems at a stroke.

Whatever happens in the next few years and however we get there, we will almost certainly have to endure a few years of a Labour government and faux socialism. It won’t last long and in the meantime British politics, particularly of the right, will have to rebuild itself afresh

What really matters and however we do it, we must bring down the Conservative Party, punish it severely and ensure it can never inflict its internal problems on the country again. There is no higher priority #AndImATory.

Written by Peter Reynolds

July 10, 2018 at 11:46 am

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