Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘MP

Why Do They Always Get The Good Ones?

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Not all MPs are paragons like Sir Michael Amess and Jo Cox

There’s been a lot of talk over the past few days about how face-to-face meetings between MPs and constituents are the ‘foundation of British democracy’. It’s a nice idea and if only it were true. The reality is that far too many MPs do all they can to avoid meeting constituents, particularly if it’s about a subject that doesn’t interest them or where they are being asked to discuss and then represent a point of view with which they disagree.

I know this from bitter experience over many years, helping medicinal cannabis patients try and gain their MP’s support as they were ignored, refused appointments and disrespected, sometimes with great cruelty. Many of those MPs are still in Parliament and most of them are now eager to be seen as supporters of medicinal cannabis. Some are now claiming credit for reform of the law and holding themselves out as being in the vanguard of the campaign!

Of course there are some excellent MPs who take their job seriously, genuinely provide service to their constituents and the country but these are far from the majority.

No one, whatever their conduct, deserves the fate that befell Sir Michael and Jo Cox but the deification of our politicians, which our ridiculous and fickle media has rushed into in the last few days, overlooks a long history of self-serving corruption, laziness, arrogance and dereliction of duty to constituents, sometimes over many decades.

What we need is a complete reset of the way MPs work and their relationship with constituents. Perhaps that does require better security and I would have no objection to protective screens and even armed police officers. I know that the patients I have represented would have seen that as a small price to actually get some access and the attention they deserved. Yet again though, I think MPs treat themselves better than the rest. Many people face danger in their work. I think traffic wardens are probably assaulted more often than MPs.

The police give far higher priority to online abuse and threats to MPs than they do to you and me. Indeed, when I, as a very minor ‘public figure’ was subject to years of abuse and threats, the police first told me I had to put up with it precisely because I was a public figure. It took weeks of pressure from me and my lawyers before they started issuing harassment warnings.

I’d like to see standards of service for MPs with clear obligations to meet constituents, how long they take to reply to emails, etc. There should be a proper complaints system with real sanctions for MPs who fall short. While ministers spend their lives evading questions and hiding behind bureaucracy and crown immunity, if an elector can’t get a straight answer they should be entitled to a full and proper response from their department.

There’s a fatal flaw in this idea though. To get it through, MPs would have to vote on it, so there’s no chance of it, ever!

Written by Peter Reynolds

October 18, 2021 at 4:04 pm

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Priti Patel on Poppers Demonstrates How Corrupt and Irrational Is UK Drugs Policy

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Priti Patel wants to legalise ‘poppers’, a drug with dangerous effects on the heart and eyes, in order to help the sex lives of gay men who account for around 3% of the population. Yet she refuses to legalise cannabis, a drug that is generally very safe, even though it can provide real medicinal benefits for 100% of the population.

‘Poppers’ is the well established street name for alkyl nitrites, a type of drug that is inhaled, producing a massive and almost instantaneous ‘hit’ by relaxing ‘smooth muscle’ which results in the dilation of blood vessels in the brain. This leads to a drop in blood pressure which the heart immediately responds to by increasing its rate and so a huge amount of extra blood surges into the brain.  Crucially, another smooth muscle that is affected is the anal sphincter and so the gay male community has found poppers a useful aid to anal sex. They can fairly be described as making anal sex safer and more pleasant, preventing ruptures or tears.

It would be a good thing to legalise poppers and to regulate their production and supply so that use of them is as safe as possible.  Alongside legal regulation, information on harm reduction could be offered and the whole environment surrounding their use could become much more sensible and civilised. It would be a even better thing to legalise cannabis. All the same benefits of safety and the environment would result but they would affect many millions more people.  In addition, the £6 billion criminal cannabis market, which feeds violence, gangsterism, county lines, hard drug dealing, modern slavery and much more serious crime, would be dealt a terminal blow.  It wouldn’t stop immediately but it would be the beginning of the end and it would transform many aspects of British society. I believe the benefits would be much wider and more far reaching than we can even imagine.

So what can possibly explain this move?  Why would such an irrational policy be proposed by the Home Secretary?

Priti Patel is quite possibly a very pleasant woman and she is to be admired for rising to dizzying heights in  political life despite the prejudice towards both her gender and race.  She has an unfortunate manner and glint in her eye that seems to appeal to to the authoritarian side of the ‘nasty party’, probably exactly why Boris Johnson made her Home Secretary to appease the hard right, for he is essentialy a libertarian.  Why is she so keen to move on poppers but not on other drugs where reforming their legal status is far more urgent and would deliver benefits on a far greater scale?

It’s instructive to recall what happened in Parliament when it first seemed that poppers would be banned under the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.  Crispin Blunt, the Conservative MP and a prominent advocate for drugs policy reform, declared himself a user of poppers and sure enough, within a few weeks the Home Office had found a way to exclude them from the Act.


I expect no one would agree more with me than Crispin Blunt on the urgent need for cannabis to be regulated and, indeed for other drugs, far safer than poppers, such as MDMA (ecstasy). Present policy maximises the dangers of all drugs and while a fatal cannabis overdose is impossible, people do die fom MDMA overdoses because in an unregulated, criminal market no one knows the strength of what they are taking.

There can only be one reason why Ms Patel is making this irrational move on poppers and it’s because she has been subject to lobbying, probably from other MPs who hold the same position as Crispin Blunt.

So while I welcome the legal regulation of poppers, cannabis and MDMA should come first.  It’s no surprise that once again our politicians pursue drugs policy that is irrational and corrupt.


Written by Peter Reynolds

August 17, 2020 at 5:25 pm

VIDEO. After 50 Years of Campaigning for Access to Cannabis as Medicine, at last MPs Have Started to Listen

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Sir Mike Penning MP opening the debate on 20th May 2019

For 50 years campaigners have been battering on the doors of Parliament, writing to and meeting their MPs, presenting detailed, cogent arguments backed up with scientific evidence. We have fought. We have argued. We have marched, demonstrated, pleaded, begged and we have been rejected. We have been ignored, abused, ostracised, treated like drug pushers and with contempt by those who are supposed to govern us within a democratic system.

Now at last they are listening. They have opened their eyes and their ears and they finally seem to understand. Of course, now they are all congratulating themselves on ‘their’ efforts and achievements but that is the nature of MPs. We, who have fought this war and see victory in sight will just have to swallow that. History will record the courage and the suffering of those who were in the front line when MPs refused even to speak to us.  Never forget, it is less than two years since a senior cabinet minster told me “the settled view of ministers is that the medicinal campaign is just an excuse to take cannabis”.

Yesterday’s debate in Parliament shows that MPs have finally got the message and we can at last be certain that cannabis will soon be widely and readily available to those who need it.

Watch the debate here.

Written by Peter Reynolds

May 22, 2019 at 4:44 pm

Posted in Biography, Health, Politics

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An Outlaw Parliament Against The People. Time To Bring Our Corrupt MPs Down.

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It starts at the top and it includes all but a handful of the 650 overpaid, self-serving, complacent, corrupt and useless Members of Parliament.  They are, without doubt, subverters of our democracy who arrogate to themselves the right to continue in office when they have manifestly failed to follow the law they themselves created.

Under our constitution Parliament is supreme and it answers only to the electorate.  In 2016, by a law which it passed, it delegated the decision of remaining in or leaving the EU to the electorate and we delivered a very clear verdict.  Every MP who since then has worked to undermine that decision, delay or even reverse it, is acting beyond their lawful authority.  They are nothing less than traitors and while I don’t expect to see them hanged, drawn and quartered, they are unfit to continue in office and they should be removed, by force if necessary.

Yet they have the nerve to complain and whine and whimper about the criticism they are subject to. They have the most privileged position. They are protected by armed guards, cocooned in taxpayer-subsidised luxury with generous expenses and total autonomy over the way they behave. They don’t have to work if they don’t want to and if they fancy a ‘fact finding trip’ overseas there is a queue offering them thinly-disguised bribes for their personal pleasure, entertainment, education and any experience they fancy.  If they have an opinion about anything, however ignorant or ill-informed it is, they are gifted time on radio and television, space in newspapers and a willing audience of sycophants in the media.  If they get a bit of abuse on the internet the police act, whereas for you and me the police have no time.

They truly are some of the most worthless and wasteful people in the country, contributing virtually nothing of any value and yet it continues year after year, decade after decade and all the time they are reinforcing the system in their interest.  They are almost totally unaccountable and their main focus is always preserving their position.

In truth, the joke that is ‘British democracy’ is no better than Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela or any tin-pot, third-world dictatorship.  We are oppressed and subjugated by people who care only for themselves.  Hundreds of thousands of our children live in food poverty, our old people are neglected, our public services are starved of funds while incompetent ministers fritter away billions on vanity projects.  We lock up more people in jail than any other Western nation apart from the USA.  They implement polices that are clearly against the public will, yet they decide they know better.

There is no government in Britain and no real politics of the people. There is instead a mafia controlled by the Conservative and Labour parties in league with the media moguls and the big business, mega conglomerates that suck up the wealth we create and use it only for their own ends.

It’s taken nearly 62 years of life for the scales to fall from my eyes so that I see the dystopia in which we live.  Time for a revolution and if it requires overthrow of the system, so be it. This is a fight for our liberty, as vital as any in our history.

Written by Peter Reynolds

March 28, 2019 at 7:23 pm

Asking Politicians to Order Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis is a Futile Quest

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Last year, when Sajid Javid introduced the new regulations permitting prescribing of cannabis-based products for medicinal use (CBPMs) he went much further than anyone could have expected.

For 50 years doctors had been told that cannabis was a highly toxic, dangerous drug with no therapeutic value.  Then, in the space of few weeks they were suddenly told by the Chief Medical Officer that there was “conclusive evidence” of therapeutic benefit. The truth is successive governments and the Home Office had been engaged in systematic disinformation and lies about cannabis. Suddenly they expected doctors to believe exactly the opposite of what they had been told before.

In fact, what Sajid Javid really did was to pass the buck, so while I have some sympathy for the predicament of doctors and total contempt for our pathetic political class, the buck is now in the right place.  However, we have a medical establishment that is so risk averse and so crushed by bureaucracy that it is transfixed by the challenge of getting to grips with cannabis and there is a total lack of leadership from the Royal Colleges or any of the professional bodies. The ultimate demonstration of this is that the British Paediatric Neurology Association wants doctors to consider brain surgery for epilepsy before prescribing cannabis.  This is a profession that has lost touch with reality and common sense.

The result is that doctors will not prescribe cannabis but the idea that they can be ordered to do so by politicians is a non-starter.  It is difficult to understand what campaigners hope to achieve by marching on Westminster and lobbying MPs.

Eventually, the efforts that are being made in medical education will bear fruit and doctors will start to prescribe but this will take time and many will suffer while they wait for doctors to catch up with what is already well understood in many parts of the world.

So what can be done?

Government can take action on two fronts which will accelerate progress. First of all, improve supply.  By its own admission, in response to an FOI Request, the Home Office has done nothing to facilitate production of CBPMs. This could be changed immediately. There is a queue of well qualified and financed companies ready to develop production facilities.  While Sajid Javid cannot order doctors to prescribe, he can order his reluctant and backwards officials to issue licences.  Within a year we can have a domestic supply of CBPMs and the doctors will have something to prescribe and products they can become familiar with.

The second way government can act is on regulation.  Doctors are terrified of cannabis and need reassurance. Everything they have been taught goes against prescribing cannabis.

However, cannabis is safe for 99% of people. We know this from 10,000 years of experience. The hysterical scaremongering from places such as the Institute of Psychiatry are actually aboput a tiny proportion of people using high strength cannabis as a recreational drug, a totally different circumstance to a high quality medicinal product used under close supervision. As a plant-based medicine, cannabis contains 400 – 500 molecules unlike pharmaceutical medicines which are usually a single molecule. It is impossible therefore to regulate cannabis in the same way as pharmaceuticals and given millennia of experience it is unnecessary.

In every other jurisdiction in the world where cannabis has been made legally available for medical use a separate system of regulation for it has been established. Until UK follows this path, the pharmaceutical-funded medical establishment will never accept cannabis as a legitimate medicine.

So what politicans can do is free up the supply chain for CBPMs and regulate them in an appropriate and rational way.  This is where we need to be focused in order to make progress and bring relief and a healthier life to millions.

Written by Peter Reynolds

March 19, 2019 at 1:26 pm

Two MPs Who Aren’t Fit And Proper Persons To Be In Parliament. But How Many of Them Are?

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Christopher Chope who believes his concerns about Parliament’s procedures justify sabotaging bills about ‘up skirting’ and female genital mutilation.

John Hayes who wants to introduce a mandatory custodial sentence for people charged with repeated possession of cannabis.













How many MPs are fit to be in Parliament?  It’s not our fault.  We get just about zero choice of who is on the ballot paper. It’s all determined by the political parties.  Or, more accurately, it’s determined by the ‘grandees’ of the Conservative and Labour parties who cook our political system up to suit their own ends.  There’s no other word for this than corruption.

There are a very few MPs of integrity in Parliament but it is increasingly difficult to think of more than about one percent of them. Yes, that’s about half a dozen and no more.

Theresa May’s party takes the biscuit though. Her letter to her MPs this weekend proves that she and her colleagues are entirely self-serving. For them Brexit is only about themselves. They are not acting in the interests of the nation. Again, there’s no other word for this than corruption.

Whatever votes these paltry excuse for leaders take in Parliment there’s one majority we can be absolutely certain of. At least 600 of them are unfit to hold public office.

Written by Peter Reynolds

February 17, 2019 at 3:06 pm

The Contemptible, Incompetent Members of Parliament.

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When I voted Leave, I fuly expected we would take a short-term hit in order to regain our self-determination. My forefathers laid down their lives for the same principle.

I still expect us to take a short term hit but I want every single one of those contemptible, incompetent scoundrels in Parliament to take a long term hit. They have utterly failed and betrayed our nation.

They are useless, self-serving confidence tricksters and deserve nothing more than to be thrown out of office, out of a job, no peerages, no pay-offs and no way back.



Earlier, I sent this email to my MP, Sir Oliver Letwin.

Dear Oliver,

I think this short piece which I have just published probably reflects the view of most voters whether they wanted to leave or remain.

This is the most shameful and despicable failure of British politics in many centuries and we hold you, the contemptible, incompetent scoundrels in Parliament, fully responsible.

As for your Machiavellian manoeuvring in recent days, you’re a saboteur both of your own party leader (monstrous harridan that she is) and the electorate’s decision.

I regret there’s only one place for you and that’s the Tower.  How you can live with yourself is beyond me.  The only explanation is your enormous, inconceivable arrogance.

Every single one of you should resign.  There is no other honourable or reasonable course of action. You have destroyed what was already a sham democracy and turned our nation into an international laughing stock.

Very sincerely,

Peter Reynolds

Written by Peter Reynolds

January 15, 2019 at 10:56 am

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Nick Hurd MP, The Home Office And Their Massive Broken Promise On Medicinal Cannabis.

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Nick Hurd MP, Home Office Minister

On 29th June 2018 in The Times newspaper, Nick Hurd MP, minister of state at the Home Office, published the following promise:

“If medicinal and therapeutic benefits are identified, the intention would be to reschedule cannabis-related medicine as a treatment available through GPs. Whilst recent cases in the media have involved epilepsy this would be open to patients suffering from all illnesses where such treatment is identified to benefit them.”

Source: ‘Out-of-date rules must not come before compassion for those who need medicinal cannabis’

Recently, including in response to a written parliamentary question on 7th September 2018, this promise has been dramatically broken and Mr Hurd’s message is now wholly different:

“The Home Secretary has confirmed that cannabis-derived medicinal products will be rescheduled. This means that senior clinicians will be able to prescribe the medicines to patients with an exceptional clinical need.”

Source: ‘Cannabis: Medical Treatments:Written question – 167359’

So ‘GPs’ has now become ‘senior clinicians’ and ‘open to patients suffering from all illnesses where such treatment is identified to benefit them.’ has become ‘exceptional clinical need’.  These are dramatic and far reaching changes which wholly change the nature of the promise made by Nick Hurd and will result in a highly restricted and limited regime making it very difficult for anyone to access cannabis as medicine.

This is a betrayal of the estimated one million people in the UK currently using cannabis to treat medical conditions.  It demonstrates how when this issue was in the headlines it provoked what was a sensible, measured and appropriate response. Now that the media storm has passed, in typical Home Office style, a totally different, hardline and repressive policy is being pushed through as quietly as possible.  No attempt has been made to explain why there has been such a dramatic change and it is quite clear that the Home Office hopes this will go through without attracting media attention.

CLEAR has submitted an FOI Request seeking a full explanation which can be seen here: ‘Provide full details concerning minister’s broken promise on the use of cannabis as medicine’

Written by Peter Reynolds

September 10, 2018 at 10:22 am

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Chuka Umunna Wants To Make Britain’s Failed Democracy Even More Dysfunctional.

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Those 650 people in the House of Commons who earn fat salaries and enjoy very generous expense accounts have failed us beyond redemption.  The huge opportunity that was Brexit, that we chose by referendum in the most fundamental exercise of democracy, has been destroyed by bickering, self-interest and incompetence.

I first walked into the Palace of Westminster in 1983 and since then, particularly in the last seven years, I have met and worked with many MPs from cabinet ministers to renegade backbenchers.  Sadly, my conclusion is that with barely a handful of exceptions they are useless, mostly a waste of our time and money and more of an impediment to our peace and prosperity than anything else.

Our two party system, our archaic parliamentary procedures, our hopeless first-past-the-post voting mean that British democracy is not fit for purpose.  It doesn’t benefit us, the people, it only serves those who work in the Westminster bubble. Yes, I include the parasite commentators, journalists, lobbyists and civil servants as well, where again I would make precious few exceptions.

Now Chuka Umunna, a politician who I have always disliked for his creepy, pious, virtue signalling personality, is whining about the exercise of true democracy in the Labour Party where unpopular MPs are being deselected by the party membership.  He would prefer that the Blairite-dominated Parliamentary Labour Party of a few hundred members should override the half a million party members.  He wants to see power placed firmly back in the hands of Labour’s MPs and let’s be clear, Blairite MPs are particularly heinous examples of the corrupt, self-serving waste of our time and money that I complain of.

He even calls party members “dogs” in a display of the most outrageous hypocrisy from a man who has been at the forefront of criticising other people’s language in the fake antisemitism row, the bickering over Brexit and the wildly exaggerated attacks on men and heterosexual culture. He is a pimp who whores out his own media profile for personal gain, irrespective of truth, justice, decency and least of all the electorate which pays his wages.

It is MPs who should more accurately be described as dogs, perhaps wolves, who prey on the electorate solely for their own purposes.  The sooner these arrogant, out-of-touch animals from all parties are brought to heel the better.  It’s trite to say that Guy Fawkes had the right idea but while I wouldn’t blow them all up (we should preserve the building at least!), I would sack them all tomorrow.  I’d make them all stand for re-election under a proportional representation system and I’d ensure that any of them could be forced to stand again at any time at the behest of a significant number of their constituents.  No system of democracy could be worse than what we have now.  In fact, the British parliamentary system barely deserves the name.

Chuka Umunna, Theresa May, Margaret Hodge, Chris Grayling – yes, these are examples of MPs who I believe have no place at all in our system of government and there at least 600 others who come a very close second.  Our Members of Parliament are a disgrace.  They have let us all down again and again and the Brexit fiasco should be the final straw.

Written by Peter Reynolds

September 9, 2018 at 10:03 am

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I Have Joined The Labour Party. #AndImATory

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For some months now I have called myself a ‘Corbynista’.  I am proud to back a man who demonstrates more integrity, courage, decency amd honour than almost every other Member of Parliament put together.  Today, in the face of the ever-escalating smear campaign, the completely ludicrous and false allegations of antisemitism, the vile abuse of the BBC and the despicable right wing press, I have signed up to become a member of the Labour Party.

I remain a Tory because I believe in fundamental principles of individual liberty, individual responsibility, small goverment and free markets.  I am not and never will be a socialist.  I do not believe it is is right that the state should own the means of production and supply because this inevitably leads to complacency and inefficiency.  Competition is a healthy motivation and inline with human nature.  Socialism, in my view, is a delusion. It has never worked, anywhere in the world and it never will.  However, I do consider that there are certain industries that are best owned by the state, those that are natural monopolies such as energy, water, the railways, the road system, the basic health service and basic communications and internet infrastructure. So I would support re-nationalisation of these industries.

I am unlikely to remain a member of the Labour Party forever.  My reason for joining in the short term is to support Corbyn as the only decent leader in our country and because the overriding priority now is to bring down this corrupt, self-serving Conservative government.  The Conservative Party is unfit for government. It has trashed the huge opportunity that Brexit offered by appalling, irresponsible infighting.  It would be best if it simply disintegrated. It has brought shame on our nation and many, perhaps most, of its MPs simply disgust me with their venal and selfish behaviour.  Mind you, I feel the same way about the treacherous, Blairite Labour MPs who have repeatedly stabbed Corbyn in the back.  Chuka Ummuna, Chris Bryant, Margaret Hodge, Luciana Berger, Yvette Cooper, Harriet Harman and others – I put them in the same category as most Tory MPs – worthless.

It’s true, in the past five years I have belonged to the Liberal Democrat, Conservative and now Labour parties.  I very much hope for the establishment of a new, centre-right, liberal and progressive party and I would join it in a flash.  Some may find this difficult to understand but I am not a tribalist.  I think tribalism is probably the most destructive force in politics. What drives me is principles first and policies second.  Once we have got rid of the Conservatives, I shall become concerned with policies again and those will be in line with my fundamental Tory principles.  I remain a true Tory, not the corrupt, self-serving, authoritarian example set by the diabolical Mrs May.

For now I am a member of the Labour Party and I will do all I can to see Jeremy Corbyn become our next prime minister.

Written by Peter Reynolds

August 15, 2018 at 5:47 pm