Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘guillotine

Madame Guillotine In Parliament Square

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It’s a recurring dream.  Standing high on a scaffold erected in the centre of Parliament Square is the bloody guillotine. A long queue of 650 enemies of the people snakes around the square, in and out of the trees, in between the lamp posts, around the various statues, skirting the traffic bollards. Like a metronome, at regular intervals, no more than a couple of minutes apart, punctuating the weeping, wailing and hysterical pleading, comes the swoosh-THWACK as the heavily weighted blade plunges down its guide rails and strikes home, delivering its final message to another traitor.

Standing last in line, forced to wait longest and endure most terror is the High Priest of Treason, Oliver Letwin, his knighthood debased for his leadership of the outlaw Parliament.  Also at the rear of the line are those bearing the most guilt who have most seriously abused British democracy: Anna Soubry sobs and whimpers, Chuka Umunna soils himself as he begs unreasonably for mercy and the Liberal Democrat MPs are beaten ruthlessly, enduring cruel torture before swift mercy delivers long overdue justice.  SNP members are denied their pleas to die on Scottish soil. Treasonous Tories Philip Hammond, David Gauke, Rory Stewart and others whose names have faded from memory try to maintain their dignity as they witness the horror that is about to befall them.

Madam Guillotine toils away, does her duty, spares no one, brings order, reliability and honour to the whimpering wretches as they at last receive their just desserts. Swoosh-THWACK. A moment’s scuffling, whining as the next doomed wretch is dragged forward, their neck placed as necessary and their final breaths mingled with the sounds of abject fear and desperation.  Swoosh-THWACK.

At last, Britain is restored to its people and the episode of venal, self-serving and corrupt politicians is consigned to history.  The gutters along Whitehall run deep with the blood of traitors and the next day the sun rises over a land once again in liberty, ridden of its dark tyrants.

Written by Peter Reynolds

September 6, 2019 at 12:57 pm

Posted in Politics

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Britain Descends Into A Police State, Liberty Is Extinguished, Government Is Corrupt.

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Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax known as Richard Drax, MP for South Dorset.

Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax known as Richard Drax, MP for South Dorset.

An email to my stuffed shirt, honorary Bullingdon Club member, self-serving and utterly useless MP, Richard Drax.


—– Original Message —–
From: Peter Reynolds
To: Richard Drax MP
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 12:20 PM
Subject: Britain descends into a police state, liberty is extinguished, goverment is corrupt and self-serving.

Dear Mr Drax,

Theresa May is a monster. The coalition government conspires with the opposition to deprive us of our few remaining liberties. Files on Westminster paedophiles and illegal rendition via Diegio Garcia are mysteriously “lost”. The UK government and its propaganda mouthpiece, the BBC, flagrantly defies 65 UN resolutions and supports the Israeli genocide of Palestine.

Do you even begin to realise the contempt that you self-serving and corrupt bunch of criminals are held in?

Time to roll out the guillotines in Parliament Square.

Any MP with a shred of honour would resign from this disgraced House of Corruption.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Reynolds

Banker Robbers Supreme At The Court Of Contempt

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In an outrageous and disgraceful judgment the supreme court (no more capital “S” or “C” from me) has protected our corrupt banking institutions from the Office Of Fair Trading.  See the full story here.

Stupid Old Fools

The supreme court had the opportunity in one of its first judgments to set itself on the side of the people and justice.  Instead it has shown itself to be on the side of the establishment, the banker robbers and the executive.  If only this would herald the arrival of the tumbrils and guillotine into the streets of London.  Then the bankers and the judges would understand the meaning of injustice as their headless bodies lie in the street and others twitch and dangle from the gallows.

The OFT has been shown to be as toothless and useless as the Data Protection Act and the Information Commissioner.  These institutions are established merely as a sop to public opinion.  The establishment, the banker robbers and the executive have  no interest in justice for the people, only in lining their own pockets and protecting their own interests.  They can lend each other £60 billion or more in secret, deceive the public interest, yet they will not overturn the gross injustice and blatant thievery that are bank charges.

The bankers and the judges molested and buggered each other at Eton and Harrow.  They molested and buggered each other at Oxbridge.  Now incapable, except for a little self-molestation, they are buggering us.  Watch them get away with it as they duck, dive, lie, cheat and bribe their way out of trouble.  It may be difficult to prove the brown envelopes changing hands but what is happening in these judges’ offshore accounts?  We hold you all in the deepest contempt!

Next will come the supreme court overturning Sir Christopher Kelly’s proposal for the reform of MPs’ expenses.  Coming up on the inside is the Iraq Inquiry which will almost certainly see Tony Blair off the hook for lying to Parliament and the people.

It may be difficult to contemplate revolution in the modern age but in 1789 Paris and 1917 Moscow that was their modern age.  The establishment needs to understand that its conduct is unacceptable, that with the gift of the internet and communications technology, the people have far more power. You are walking a tightrope towards your own destruction.

Now Is The Time For Recrimination – Before They Get Away!

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I am delighted to see that The Times and now, this morning, Andrew Marr, are joining me in calling for bankers to be brought to account.  The “Thunderer” even said that “heads must roll”.  Roll they must, many of them, until the baskets are full and the streets of the City are running with blood.  The executions should take place in public so that the greedy thieves and scoundrels who have pillaged our economy can be subject to public humiliation and villification as they meet their doom.

I will carry the metaphor no further but the dread and fear that should now be ruining the weekends of the chief executives and chairmen of the banks should be little different from that of the French aristocrats awaiting the guillotine.

We must insist that those individuals who have taken multi million pound bonuses from banks, funds and all forms of financial institutions that are now insolvent must be able to justify the payments in the same way that a director of a small business that had gone bust might have to explain his drawings to a liquidator.  In many instances money will have to be recovered.

Whether guilty of personal wrongdoing or not, the chairmen, chief executives and non-executive directors who have presided over this catastrophe must take responsibility and go!  The same sanction must fall on the heads of the regulators.

Lord Adair Turner, Chairman, and Jon Pain, Managing Director Retail Markets, who both accepted poisoned chalices at the FSA only last month may have some excuse but the rest of the board should be summarily dismissed, not even allowed to resign.

Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling have been extraordinarily unequivocal in many of their statements this week.  We want to know much, much more detail about the “mechanisms” that will put in place to restrain the banks in future.   If the taxpayer has saved your business then in future you will not be gambling on ludicrously complex financial products that only you understand and for which you set the rules.  We prefer that you lend £100,000 to a small business rather than £10 million to a virtual roulette wheel.

“There a million stories in the Naked City”.  Now is the time for “le dénouement”.