Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘revolution

An Outlaw Parliament Against The People. Time To Bring Our Corrupt MPs Down.

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It starts at the top and it includes all but a handful of the 650 overpaid, self-serving, complacent, corrupt and useless Members of Parliament.  They are, without doubt, subverters of our democracy who arrogate to themselves the right to continue in office when they have manifestly failed to follow the law they themselves created.

Under our constitution Parliament is supreme and it answers only to the electorate.  In 2016, by a law which it passed, it delegated the decision of remaining in or leaving the EU to the electorate and we delivered a very clear verdict.  Every MP who since then has worked to undermine that decision, delay or even reverse it, is acting beyond their lawful authority.  They are nothing less than traitors and while I don’t expect to see them hanged, drawn and quartered, they are unfit to continue in office and they should be removed, by force if necessary.

Yet they have the nerve to complain and whine and whimper about the criticism they are subject to. They have the most privileged position. They are protected by armed guards, cocooned in taxpayer-subsidised luxury with generous expenses and total autonomy over the way they behave. They don’t have to work if they don’t want to and if they fancy a ‘fact finding trip’ overseas there is a queue offering them thinly-disguised bribes for their personal pleasure, entertainment, education and any experience they fancy.  If they have an opinion about anything, however ignorant or ill-informed it is, they are gifted time on radio and television, space in newspapers and a willing audience of sycophants in the media.  If they get a bit of abuse on the internet the police act, whereas for you and me the police have no time.

They truly are some of the most worthless and wasteful people in the country, contributing virtually nothing of any value and yet it continues year after year, decade after decade and all the time they are reinforcing the system in their interest.  They are almost totally unaccountable and their main focus is always preserving their position.

In truth, the joke that is ‘British democracy’ is no better than Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela or any tin-pot, third-world dictatorship.  We are oppressed and subjugated by people who care only for themselves.  Hundreds of thousands of our children live in food poverty, our old people are neglected, our public services are starved of funds while incompetent ministers fritter away billions on vanity projects.  We lock up more people in jail than any other Western nation apart from the USA.  They implement polices that are clearly against the public will, yet they decide they know better.

There is no government in Britain and no real politics of the people. There is instead a mafia controlled by the Conservative and Labour parties in league with the media moguls and the big business, mega conglomerates that suck up the wealth we create and use it only for their own ends.

It’s taken nearly 62 years of life for the scales to fall from my eyes so that I see the dystopia in which we live.  Time for a revolution and if it requires overthrow of the system, so be it. This is a fight for our liberty, as vital as any in our history.

Written by Peter Reynolds

March 28, 2019 at 7:23 pm

Theresa May And The Conservative Government Are Both Treasonable And Corrupt.

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We have a government which is pursuing policy not in the interests of the nation but solely in the interests of the Conservative Party.  This is corruption.  It is no better than taking bribes. It is grubby, dishonest, self-serving and directly contradicts the purpose of our democracy and the basis upon which MPs hold office.

We have a government that by a vote in Parliament was ordered to determine our future membership of the EU by a referendum.  The result was that we should leave.  Now, through corrupt self-interest the leader of the Conservative Party, at enormous cost to the nation, has used her position as PM to subvert the result of the referendum. This is treasonable.

Democracy has been entirely extinguished in the UK.  Your vote means nothing. We are ruled by diktat from a corrupt, self-serving elite.  There is no longer any law, only the pursuit of self-interest and the forcible repression of dissent.

It is time for a revolution. The nation should take up arms and rise in justifiable revolt against the criminals in government.

Written by Peter Reynolds

July 7, 2018 at 8:05 am

How Long Until This Wicked And Deranged Woman Steps Down?

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Can you be deranged and still wicked, or does an unbalanced mind excuse immoral and harmful actions?

In the case of Theresa May there can be no excuse.  Her wickedness is persistent and has been since 2010 when she entered government as Home Secretary.  She refuses properly to consider the consequences of her actions. She refuses properly to consider expert advice and evidence.  Her explanations of why she persists with damaging policies are at best disingenuous but more often deliberately deceptive. She runs everything on the basis of her personal opinions, prejudices and with a myopic determination that some mistake for strength but is actually bull-headed ignorance.

Her continual evasion of proper answers on NHS funding must be her most serious deception.  Yes, the NHS may well be seeing more patients, performing more operations, receiving more funding every year but the gap between demand and delivery is widening ever further.  Does she think the electorate is so stupid as to be taken in by her deflection and refusal to answer questions properly?  Perhaps she does.  Many politicians seem to think they can get away with such bluster and deceit and there is so much fatigue over the nonsense these people try to palm us off with that, to an extent, she is correct.  The electorate is not provided with proper means to hold our politicians to account because of course it is politicians that would have to implement such reform.

She is exactly the same on nearly all issues.  She has successfully buried the child sexual abuse scandal, the misconduct of the British press and the refusal to continue with the Leveson Inquiry, the criminal complicity of local and national government in the Grenfell Tower tragedy.  She is deceit and untruth personified when it comes to the Carillion scandal and all aspects of government outsourcing which is a deeply corrupt policy, not in the interests of anyone except politicians. And what other leader anywhere in the world, apart from the murderous thug President Durterte of the Philippines, has recently called for a continuance of the war on drugs?

Like most UK voters I am tired, cynical and fed up about the behaviour of our politicians who are entirely self-regulating, self-serving and have no interest in making themselves properly accountable.  They have all forgotten that they’re there to serve us and not the other way round.

At two periods in my life I have been a member of the Conservative Party but I fervently hope that at the next election the party receives the biggest drubbing ever in its history.

I am also now firmly of the opinion that religion can play no part in politics and any politician who calls on their religious faith as some sort of qualification for public office should be disbarred for life.  I consider that people should be free to pursue whatever belief they wish as long as they do not impose on or affect others but to bring such delusion into any aspect of public life should result in summary dismissal.  This is the 21st century.  Any politician such as Theresa May who proclaims her faith as a factor in the way she works is not fit for public office.

Hopefully the one thing Theresa May has achieved is to make the Conservative Party unelectable for a very long time.  Even better would be that is is destroyed and the centre right of UK politics has to rebuild itself under a new banner.  I am not optimistic about a Labour government.  I admire Corbyn even though I don’t agree with him about many policies but it is the Labour MPs who concern me, most of whom are exactly the same as Tories, only out for themselves.

Never since the time of Cromwell has this country been so ripe for revolution.  I don’t expect it to happen imminently but unless the younger MPs can work together to reinvigorate our politics then I do believe Britain will continue to slide towards some sort of violent uprising. We cannot, we must not and we should not tolerate any longer the weak, ineffectual and corrupt politicians that have led our country for the last 30 years.

Written by Peter Reynolds

January 18, 2018 at 5:14 pm

When We Will See The Corrupt Elite In Jail?

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We have had enough. The bankers got off scot free. Just a few MPs were made to pay for their expenses fraud. HSBC launders billions in drug cartel money and is fined, whereas poor people growing a few cannabis plants go to jail.

This Fairhead woman sits atop the tree of privilege and wealth yet she takes no responsibility and offers only excuses. Even if she is sacked tomorrow as she should be, it will have no impact on her lifestyle.

As the gap between rich and poor widens and the middle class disappears, Britain is becoming a more dangerous place. If the Westminster elite doesn’t take radical steps soon, perhaps even in Britain we may see the stirrings of violent revolution.

Something needs to happen to shock Cameron and his cronies out of their contemptuous and smug complacency. The same goes for the sickening hypocrites in Labour, the trade unions and the civil service.

As Cameron’s five year term as prime minister comes to an end, Britain is broken as never before.

Written by Peter Reynolds

March 10, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Straw And Blair. Rifkind And Cameron. New Labour And The Bullingdon Club.

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Resign immediately Jack Straw. Go away, in shame. Remove yourself from public life. Wait until the Chilcot report comes out when, perhaps, if there is any justice, you will be put in front of a court.

This is the sham, the deceit that was New Labour. Straw and his chum Blair are the personification of corrupt, privileged Britain. They are also charged as fraudsters and war criminals.

And take the disgraced knight Rifkind with you. He of the arrogance that breeds a Cameron to sit atop the Westminster elite. Nothing to offer except their sense of superiority and a life dedicated to self-service.



Revolution is brewing in the United Kingdom. Government’s contempt for Parliament. The subversion of Magna Carta by a Lord Chancellor who disgraces the title. The ever-widening gap between rich and just-managing. The contempt for the electorate by the Westminster elite is returned with interest.

I fervently hope that in the General Election of 2015, the British people seize control and change our nation for the better with a dramatic verdict.  We need another Conservative Liberal coalition but with the Tories severely hobbled and a strong showing from the minor parties.  We need some healthy debate, dissent and disrespect for the old ways.  We need some UKIP MPs, some Greenies and some Welsh and Scottish nationalists.

Let’s make it a gentle revolution but we need riddance of the old guard.  We need new hope and a new standard of integrity from our politicians.

Written by Peter Reynolds

February 23, 2015 at 10:34 pm

The People Have Spoken. Mubarak Must Go.

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Written by Peter Reynolds

February 11, 2011 at 1:29 pm

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Banker Robbers Supreme At The Court Of Contempt

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In an outrageous and disgraceful judgment the supreme court (no more capital “S” or “C” from me) has protected our corrupt banking institutions from the Office Of Fair Trading.  See the full story here.

Stupid Old Fools

The supreme court had the opportunity in one of its first judgments to set itself on the side of the people and justice.  Instead it has shown itself to be on the side of the establishment, the banker robbers and the executive.  If only this would herald the arrival of the tumbrils and guillotine into the streets of London.  Then the bankers and the judges would understand the meaning of injustice as their headless bodies lie in the street and others twitch and dangle from the gallows.

The OFT has been shown to be as toothless and useless as the Data Protection Act and the Information Commissioner.  These institutions are established merely as a sop to public opinion.  The establishment, the banker robbers and the executive have  no interest in justice for the people, only in lining their own pockets and protecting their own interests.  They can lend each other £60 billion or more in secret, deceive the public interest, yet they will not overturn the gross injustice and blatant thievery that are bank charges.

The bankers and the judges molested and buggered each other at Eton and Harrow.  They molested and buggered each other at Oxbridge.  Now incapable, except for a little self-molestation, they are buggering us.  Watch them get away with it as they duck, dive, lie, cheat and bribe their way out of trouble.  It may be difficult to prove the brown envelopes changing hands but what is happening in these judges’ offshore accounts?  We hold you all in the deepest contempt!

Next will come the supreme court overturning Sir Christopher Kelly’s proposal for the reform of MPs’ expenses.  Coming up on the inside is the Iraq Inquiry which will almost certainly see Tony Blair off the hook for lying to Parliament and the people.

It may be difficult to contemplate revolution in the modern age but in 1789 Paris and 1917 Moscow that was their modern age.  The establishment needs to understand that its conduct is unacceptable, that with the gift of the internet and communications technology, the people have far more power. You are walking a tightrope towards your own destruction.