Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘Islam

Where Was The Outrage When IS (Israeli State) Murdered 3,000 In Gaza?

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idf murderers

We really have twisted priorities in our world.  Nothing can excuse or justify the events in Paris but much more death, brutality and injustice has been inflicted on Palestine by Israel and its conduct drives much of the extremism that now preoccupies us.

We stand idly by while this outlaw state, in breach of 64 UN resolutions, oppresses a whole nation and routinely uses high technology weapons, phosphorous bombs, F16s and tanks against an heroic resistance armed only with pop guns and fireworks.

Israel defies every decent standard of behaviour, every moral and every ethic that we claim to support in our outrage against the evil that took place in Paris.  Why are we not using drones to drop Hellfire missiles on Netanyahu’s head?  Why is the Knesset not regarded as the headquarters of an evil, terrorist ‘so-called’ state when that is exactly what it is?

If we took a moral stand, refused to trade with an apartheid state that engages in child murder and land theft, defended the women and children of Gaza, perhaps it would be more difficult for the monsters of Raqqa to recruit supporters?

Until we become more consistent and fair then we can only expect resentment to grow. We can never defeat the evil of a perverted idea of Islam until we root out the murdering terrorists of Israel.

Written by Peter Reynolds

November 17, 2015 at 6:25 pm

Has Israel Extinguished Its Own ‘Right To Exist’? Is Palestine the One State Solution?

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I have always been an ardent supporter of Israel’s right to exist but  it may have gone too far this time to be allowed to continue as part of the community of nations.  Palestine, Islam and Arabs have never been as great a threat to Israel as its own disgusting conduct.  Truly it has been sowing the seeds of its own destruction for many years.

Perhaps the two state solution is now irredeemably lost.  Perhaps the world must now support a one state solution, the  state of Palestine, a place where Arab, Jew, Muslim, Christian and secular people can live together in peace.  God knows, Israel has the done the most awful job with the opportunity we entrusted it.

Written by Peter Reynolds

August 3, 2014 at 11:48 am

FGM Is Terrible But What Are The Rabbis And Imams Doing To Our Boys?

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Why is it acceptable to butcher a boy’s penis in the name of some delusional belief in a fairy tale divinity?

If female genital mutilation is unacceptable – which it is by any civilised standards – then so is male genital mutilation or circumcision as it is more usually called.

There are no ifs or buts here, apart from the self-serving politicians and media outlets that have jumped on the FGM bandwagon.  All they do is if, but, exploit and misinform for their personal gain.  It’s a cause that gains them kudos or a story that attracts attention.

Taking a knife to a child for any reason other than medical need is a crime.  It is time that we saw the assaults by Jewish Rabbis and Muslim Imams punished with jail.

Written by Peter Reynolds

July 3, 2014 at 12:28 pm

The United Kingdom 2012

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We Love Our Queen!

The truth about the Diamond Jubilee that will shine throughout the world.

Written by Peter Reynolds

June 5, 2012 at 9:18 pm

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I’m Back. Six Months Early.

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In January I took my website offline because it was being used to focus destructive attacks against CLEAR.

That was a mistake.  I should have kept it up.  The haters and hypocrites continue with their lies and smears irrespective of  truth or anything that I do.  I am proud of my writing here.  That is not to say that my views don’t develop and change over time but I hold true to fundamental principles of justice and against prejudice and discrimination.  It is ironic that those are the charges that have been levelled against me.

Here you will find strong opinions, powerfully expressed. My views are essentially libertarian and I repudiate hate against anyone, despite the spite and abuse that has been levelled at me.  There is evil in the world though and I make no apology for my condemnation of the Israeli state, of the wicked extremes of Islam, the crimes of all organised religions and the corrupt oligarchy of politicians, media and bankers that run the Western world.  These evils must be fought against.

Let me be very clear about CLEAR and my role in it.  It is a single issue party and I will work with anyone, whatever  their political allegiance, race, religion or philosophy in order to end the prohibition of cannabis.   I was elected leader in February 2011.  I won a vote of confidence with a 70% majority in April 2012. Under my leadership CLEAR will continue its evidence based campaign for responsible reform of the cannabis laws.

I am back.  And I will have my say.

Written by Peter Reynolds

May 20, 2012 at 12:18 pm

The Catholic Church – Fount Of Greatest Evil For 2000 Years

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Evil Personified

The Crusades.

The Inquisition.

Witch hunts over hundreds of years.

The oppression of the poor.

Oppression of the Jews.

Abuse of children by bishops, priests, nuns, monks and Church officials over hundreds of years.

The theft of land and property.

The mass deception of humanity for financial gain.

The cover-up of guilt and responsibility for all these things.

The prohibition of contraception to those who know no better and so are consigned to poverty, starvation and death in their millions.

The prohibition of abortion, even to women whose own lives are endangered.

It’s an appalling total of evil, misery and death.  Frankly, I doubt that Islam even comes close.

Yet we entertain, revere and pander to Pope Benedict, this embodiment of the greatest source of evil for 2000 years filled with agony, suffering and death!  Our leaders fawn over him as if there is some significance other than his depths of wickedness.

Even under the terms of his own doctrine he is a blasphemy, a craven idol, a personification of God.  I thought these were sins!

I’d be prepared to overlook his membership of the Hitler Youth, even his dilatory attention to the child abuse scandals and his complicity in the cover-up.  As an old man, I’d be prepared to forgive all of his personal failings but he holds himself up as the Church itself.  He is utterly condemned.

It is nothing less than an outrage that he pollutes our shores, invades our nation, sullies our national consciousness with his presence.  His kisses on our babies are filth.  His deception of our people is an abomination.

Get him out of my country NOW!

Idiotic Israelis, Insane Islamists

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It astonishes me the bigotry, intolerance and crass stupidity demonstrated by so many who write for one side or the other on the terrible conflict in the Middle East.

Many of them are erudite and eloquent, passionate and caring – but only of their own cause.

I thought (maybe I’m wrong) that part of the idea of blogging was to comment on each other’s writing and participate in debate.

No chance!

So many of these obviously intelligent people censor comments that they disagree with and deem anyone who disagrees with them as a fascist, racist or xenophobe.   The vitriol I’ve attracted from some is almost unbelievable. They can’t understand that in one article I can condemn the evil behaviour of the Israelis and in the next I condemn the great evil that Islam has become. I can call some Israeli behaviour fascist.  I can call some Islamists perverters and defilers of Islam.

Some of these bloggers write (rant) at the most incredible length. They probably don’t have the benefit of my experience from which the most important thing I’ve learned is that even those people who agree with you will get bored if you go on and on and on and on and on…

It’s just a tip which you can ignore if you want but if you can’t get your point across in a couple of hundred words then maybe you should think again!

One individual (who I won’t embarrass by linking to), told me today that offering a link to my post on the subject was “an advert”, referred me to his “comments policy”, suggesting that I am a “xenophobic bigot”.

I explained to him that my comments policy is “please do”!

Israel Must Stop

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Be The Great Nation That You Can!

I have had an overwhelming response to many things that I have written about Israel.  It has reached a crescendo with the views I have expressed about the attack on the Gaza flotilla.  It polarises opinion.  You either agree with me or you want me put to death by the slowest and most painful means.

I’m just an ordinary Brit of proud Welsh descent from a family that was at the bottom of the heap (the slag heaps of South Wales) but has dragged itself upwards, entirely through its own efforts.  I’m not an anti-semite. I’m not a natural ally or an enemy of Arab, Jew, Muslim or anyone.  What I care about is truth, justice, freedom, beauty, love and my dogs!

I cannot stand by though and see the way that Israel behaves without shouting my protest and disgust.

Israel and its supporters must understand that many intelligent, considered men of principle throughout the world believe that the way you are now behaving is just as bad as the Nazis did against you!!

I condemn the great evil that Islam has become in the world but you give them so many excuses!   Gaza is now the biggest concentration camp ever and Israel oppresses, bullies, brutalises, starves and denies the rights of the Palestinian people.  It is shameful!

My country fought to create the state of Israel so that the Jews could have a homeland after the holocaust, the greatest tragedy in human history.  Israel has betrayed those who fought for it.  You are now as bad as those that offended against you.

I know that there are millions of ordinary Israelis and Palestinians, people just like me, who abhor violence and prejudice and oppression.  We must stand up against the zealots and the fanatics.  Justice must prevail!

There is much that is wrong on both sides but first, most urgently, Israel must draw back from Gaza, from the settlements, from oppression.  These are grave wrongs that must stop now!  You must not be surprised that retaliation is made against you but these are fireworks against your tanks and F16s.  You must stop first.

I am just an ordinary man with no particular interest but I know what justice is.

Israel must stop.

The Age Of The End Of Religion

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For Easter…

…all things considered, religion is responsible for more evil in the world than it is good.

Islam demonstrates its evil effect every day.  It revels in its own use of “shock and awe” to terrorise us every day.

The Catholic Church disgraces itself, more every day.  It seeks to excuse its own deep sin as “petty gossip” on its own most holy day.

In Palestine, the Jewish nation  has become a Nazi state in the most horrific episode of hypocrisy every day. Day after day.

Science and freedom of thought is the only belief that makes sense.  Faith in outdated dogma and superstition is selfish and destructive.

Religion is dead.  Mankind lives.

Written by Peter Reynolds

April 4, 2010 at 11:46 pm

The Prince Of Darkness

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Just An Evil Old Man

What more shame and ignominy can the Catholic Church bring upon itself?  Now it seems that the present Pope is guilty of overlooking what seems to be the favourite hobby of Catholic priests – the sexual abuse of children.

According to The Times last Saturday, in 1980 the then Cardinal Ratzinger approved a decision to send a priest for therapy in Munich after he forced an 11 year old boy to perform oral sex on him.  Later the same priest abused more children and the only answer the Cardinal and his cronies could come up with was to relocate him.  Now the Church is desperately trying to disassociate the Pope from this scandal, saying that he had left decisions to lower-level officials.  See here for the full story.

The Catholic Church has been responsible for as much evil in the world as any other institution.  Now we see that it goes to the very top and continues.

Too many have died in the name of Christ for anyone to heed the call.

Crosby, Stills & Nash

It is time that this outdated institution was outlawed.  Criminal charges should be brought against the Pope and all the cardinals, priests and other apologists for sin and wickedness.  How can we in the West complain about the evil influence of Islam until we put our own house in order?

Written by Peter Reynolds

March 16, 2010 at 4:07 pm