Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘racist

Idiotic Israelis, Insane Islamists

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It astonishes me the bigotry, intolerance and crass stupidity demonstrated by so many who write for one side or the other on the terrible conflict in the Middle East.

Many of them are erudite and eloquent, passionate and caring – but only of their own cause.

I thought (maybe I’m wrong) that part of the idea of blogging was to comment on each other’s writing and participate in debate.

No chance!

So many of these obviously intelligent people censor comments that they disagree with and deem anyone who disagrees with them as a fascist, racist or xenophobe.   The vitriol I’ve attracted from some is almost unbelievable. They can’t understand that in one article I can condemn the evil behaviour of the Israelis and in the next I condemn the great evil that Islam has become. I can call some Israeli behaviour fascist.  I can call some Islamists perverters and defilers of Islam.

Some of these bloggers write (rant) at the most incredible length. They probably don’t have the benefit of my experience from which the most important thing I’ve learned is that even those people who agree with you will get bored if you go on and on and on and on and on…

It’s just a tip which you can ignore if you want but if you can’t get your point across in a couple of hundred words then maybe you should think again!

One individual (who I won’t embarrass by linking to), told me today that offering a link to my post on the subject was “an advert”, referred me to his “comments policy”, suggesting that I am a “xenophobic bigot”.

I explained to him that my comments policy is “please do”!

The State Of Our Nation

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I am not a racist.  My oldest friend is a jet black Jamaican.  However, on New Year’s Eve, when I drove down from my parents’ house in Hertfordshire to see that self-same friend in Maida Vale I was horrified at what I saw on Kilburn High Road.  Even more so than when I lived there, nearly three years ago, it has been swamped with immigrants.

Right through London there was barely a white face to be seen.  The vast majority of women were wearing hijab.  Nearly every car contained an asian face with what seemed to me to be an unnaturally large amount of headroom.  Muslim culture seems to predominate.  I feel isolated in my own country.

I remember when I attended my son’s graduation at UEA in June, perhaps half the faces that went to collect a degree were oriental.  I don’t care if they paid for the privilege, there are too many of them!  We have lost our balance.

Clearly, immigration has been of great benefit to Britain from the Irish in the 1930s, the West Indians in the 1950s, the Asians in the 70s and now Eastern Europeans.  Our economy and our society have improved because people from overseas have come to live here.  In recent times though we have allowed it to become uncontrolled.  We have failed to manage it effectively.  Many recent immigrants are disadvantaged themselves  because of our weak, irresponsible, open door policy.

If our idiotic politicians cannot see what is wrong then I despair.  They have neglected and damaged our nation through ridiculous adherence to political correctness.  I want my country back.

Islam has become a source of great evil in the world and it is time we reconsidered our patience and tolerance of it.  We have been taken advantage of.  The idea that Sharia law should have any force in Britain is outrageous.  “Multiculturalism” is not only a dreadful word but an idea that is making no sense.  It seems that many immigrants don’t want it either.  When they come here they want to group themselves into ghettoes.  They separate themselves from our national culture.  Some want all the benefits of what Britain stands for without any responsibility or participation.  We will not be a great nation without full and genuine integration between our people.

We see today the premier of Iceland standing up for his people and defying convention.  Whatever the rights and wrongs, it is time we had some of this in Britain but is there a single politician in this country with this sort of bravery?  I can’t think of one.

Unless our leaders can get a grip on what is happening then this is a recipe for Enoch Powell’s “rivers of blood”.   God has given us Obama who is clearly a force for good but we need more.  Who in Britain has the intelligence, the courage and the popular appeal to step up to the plate?

Keep The Church Out Of Elections

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I do not support the BNP but I defend its right to state its case and campaign for election.  I have considerable sympathy with its complaint that it is not considered racist to have a black association or a Muslim group but the BNP is branded racist for seeking to represent the white British.  This is unjust.

It’s fair game for other politicians to attack the BNP but the call made today by the Church?  This is outrageous.   While there are certainly many good Christians and Church members, this week we have had to listen to the horrific truth of child abuse by the Church in Ireland.  Only the following day the new Catholic Archbishop Nichols of Westminster is enthroned and makes the disgraceful judgment that it was courageous for some of the priests to confess their dreadful crimes.

The most eloquent advice I have ever heard on the subject of the Church comes from Messrs Crosby, Stills and Nash:

“Too many people have died in the name of Christ for anyone to heed the call”

Too much evil and wickedness has been perpetrated across hundreds of years by the Church for it to have any relevance or role in our elections.  Stick to pastoral work with individuals and you’re entitled to promote your individual doctrine and beliefs but stay out of the business of parliament and government.

Written by Peter Reynolds

May 24, 2009 at 8:09 am

The State Of Israel According To Iran

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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran

I am more than a little concerned about this pre-planned walkout in response to President Ahmadinejad’s speech at the United Nations anti-racism conference.  I am no friend of his xenophobic, oppressive government and there is no doubt that his speech was inflammatory but there was a deal of truth in it too.  This walkout was not in the spirit of  “We will offer the hand of friendship if you will unclench your fist”.

There is no doubt that Israel is a racist government and a repressive and cruel one.  These are matters of fact which were dramatically proved in the recent invasion of Gaza and which continue every day.

The boycott of this conference by many western countries and this petulant display by the British and the French do nothing to advance the cause against racism.