Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘director

The Centre For Social Cohesion – A Zionist Deception

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On the BBC’s “Sunday Morning Live”, the director of “The Centre For Social Cohesion”, Douglas Murray, was wheeled out as an apologist for Israel.

The question was “David Cameron causes a stir by calling Gaza a “prison camp”. So is it time for a franker dialogue with the Jewish state? Or are we already too critical of Israel?”

Mad, Bad And Dangerous

Murray tried to defend Israel’s actions in Gaza, in particular coming out with the latest Zioinst propaganda about shopping malls and the “luxury” that Gaza’s inhabitants enjoy.

I agree with David Cameron’s words entirely.  I would make just one slight correction.  I would call Gaza a “concentration camp” just to make the similarity with the Nazis absolutely clear.

I can only assume that “The Centre For Social Cohesion” is Murray’s personal plaything.  It surely cannot be a serious organisation.  It is difficult to imagine anyone giving this joker any sort of responsible job.  What more pompous and inaccurate title could there be for an organisation that he has anything to do with?  He must have made it up himself.


It styles itself as “a non-partisan think-tank that studies issues related to community cohesion in the UK. Committed to the promotion of human rights, it is the first think-tank in the UK to specialise in studying radicalisation and extremism within Britain”.

What, with Douglas Murray as its director?  How utterly, excruciatingly absurd.  His attitudes are as far away from socially cohesive, non-partisan and promoting human rights as it is possible to imagine.

Can the name of this organisation or what it says about itself be covered by the Trades Descriptions Act?

What can right-thinking, honourable and truthful people do to defeat such deception?

Expose him and his organisation for the pariahs that they are.  Complain to the BBC here and tell them that we are looking for truth on our televisions, not deception, propaganda and lies.

The Oil Spill. The Bottom Line. What Obama’s Forgetting.

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BP hired them so it is taking responsibility but…


…the oil rig was American.

…the crew was American.

…the blowout preventer and other safety equipment that failed was American.

…six of BP’s 12 main board directors are American.

…40% of BP’s shareholders are American.

So when the first black American president suddenly starts calling it “British Petroleum”, a name it moved away from 12 years ago because it simply wasn’t accurate anymore, what is it but blatant racism?

This is shockingly grubby behaviour from a man who I was trusting on his platform of integrity.

He’s blown that idea just as sky high as Deepwater Horizon.  He’s also forgotten who are his and his country’s most steadfast friends in the world.

If the Yankees, who squander the world’s resources and pollute the environment more than any other nation on the planet, think they’re going to stick this one on us, they need to think again.  They need to get their collective brain into gear and start doing something useful.  The anti-British rhetoric that has been coming from the States, from whining journalists and politicians as well as Obama,  is ludicrous, disloyal and not worthy of them.

We are entitled to expect much, much better from those with whom we stand shoulder to shoulder.  When the chips are down we are the only ones you can always rely on.  You are a young nation in the history of the world.  Now is the time to grow up and take responsibility.  Stop passing the buck.