Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘American

The Persecution Of Julian Assange

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Foolish Hero

I disagree with the release of so many confidential diplomatic messages.  I see no benefit from it at all but I will defend, with my life if necessary, the right of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to publish them.

Those vile and fascist Americans who have called for his assassination are guilty of incitement to murder.  If they set foot on British soil they should be arrested immediately.  They disgrace their great country and its constitution.

Assange is a fool and WikiLeaks is irresponsible but these are questions of degree and judgement.   If there is wrongdoing in the information they have it should be released.  If it is just mischievous exposure of confidential and private correspondence then it is wrong.

I am in great difficulty over the denial of bail.   The charges are clearly preposterous,  incredible and politically motivated.   He surrendered voluntarily to the police.  On balance, particularly given the sureties offered by John Pilger, Jemima Khan and Ken Loach, he should not have been remanded in custody.  He is to apply again and I pray that British justice, so often wanting of late, will rise to the challenge.

Release Julian Assange.  Protect him from the Americans.

Written by Peter Reynolds

December 7, 2010 at 7:30 pm

Republicans Reveal True Colours To Brits

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The story about the mosque being built at Ground Zero has been bubbling away for a few days.  This evening, on BBC Radio 4’s “PM” programme an interview with Scott Wheeler of the National Republican Trust fired my interest.  In fact, it made me explode with anger.

To start the interview Eddie Mair, the PM frontman, played a radio commercial opposing the construction of the mosque. The NRT has paid for its production and broadcast.   It is outrageous.  I think it would probably fall foul of the law here for “incitement to racial hatred”.

Here’s the TV version which uses the same audio track.  Setting Brush Fires, a US blogger,  found this for me.

I’ll repeat that name for you:  Scott Wheeler, of the National Republican Trust.   He’s the individual promoting these ideas.  If the boot was on the other foot he would now be at 30,000 feet on his way to Guantanamo Bay.

I hope that US Republicans are going to tell me that I’m wrong, that he’s a bit of a nutter and he and his cronies are unrepresentative of the mainstream.  I hope so because if this is what represents American free speech, for the first time ever, I’m not jealous of their written constitution.

These ideas are every bit as wicked as the preachings of Abu Hamza or Anjem Choudary, the Islamist extremists who have tried to influence Britain.   Scott Wheeler is exactly the same but the opposite.

These are the scum of the earth.

The Oil Spill. The Bottom Line. What Obama’s Forgetting.

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BP hired them so it is taking responsibility but…


…the oil rig was American.

…the crew was American.

…the blowout preventer and other safety equipment that failed was American.

…six of BP’s 12 main board directors are American.

…40% of BP’s shareholders are American.

So when the first black American president suddenly starts calling it “British Petroleum”, a name it moved away from 12 years ago because it simply wasn’t accurate anymore, what is it but blatant racism?

This is shockingly grubby behaviour from a man who I was trusting on his platform of integrity.

He’s blown that idea just as sky high as Deepwater Horizon.  He’s also forgotten who are his and his country’s most steadfast friends in the world.

If the Yankees, who squander the world’s resources and pollute the environment more than any other nation on the planet, think they’re going to stick this one on us, they need to think again.  They need to get their collective brain into gear and start doing something useful.  The anti-British rhetoric that has been coming from the States, from whining journalists and politicians as well as Obama,  is ludicrous, disloyal and not worthy of them.

We are entitled to expect much, much better from those with whom we stand shoulder to shoulder.  When the chips are down we are the only ones you can always rely on.  You are a young nation in the history of the world.  Now is the time to grow up and take responsibility.  Stop passing the buck.

Iran Sanctions. Too Little, Too Late.

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Islamist Lunatic

As usual it ended up taking too long and it was watered down so far as to be ineffective.  UN Imposes Sanctions On Iran

Any reasonable person, be they Iranian, Israeli, European, American, any member of the human race with any sort of rational approach to the world knows that it’s not a good idea for Iran to have nuclear weapons.

I see no justification for Israel’s conduct in Gaza but if lunatic Islamists like Ahmadinejad go nuclear, Israel would have no option but to launch a pre-emptive strike.  Israel would have every justification in responding with extreme force to a threat that it will be “wiped off the face of the earth”.  The whole world would have to stand behind Israel.

If that pre-emptive strike has to come then it must come sooner rather than later so that it can be non-nuclear.  Iran must be stopped before it has a nuclear capability.

In the interests of peace a joint NATO/Israel strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities must be considered.  I expect that plans already exist.  Let us pray that Iran steps back.