Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘abuse

The Truth Behind The Peter Reynolds Hate Campaign.

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I am delighted to announce that a new website is in the process of construction which will set out all the facts and evidence about the hate campaign that I have been subject to since I was elected as leader of CLEAR.  Two people have volunteered to run this on my behalf and I am most grateful to them.  Stringent security precautions will be taken to protect them as those who run the campaign against me have shown that they are prepared to use abuse,  harassment, blackmail, intimidation and all sorts of threats including violence.

Chris Bovey

Chris Bovey

The principal ringleader, Chris Bovey of Totnes, succeeded in having my claim for defamation struck out in the High Court last month.  In essence, he has spent about £50,000 with his lawyers to have my Claim struck out without any of the evidence or issues being heard.  Of course, this was his only hope because the evidence against him is impossible to defeat.  It is by his own hand and shows unequivocally that he is a liar and was acting out of malice in everything that he published about me and paid others to publish.  All the evidence will shortly be published on the new website.

My appeal against the Order striking out my claim is being prepared.  The Order is in direct conflict with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, incorporated into the Human Rights Act 1998, which states:

“In the determination of [my] civil rights [I am] entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.”

There has, of course, been no hearing at all on any of the evidence or issues which my Claim concerns.

Sarah McCulloch

Sarah McCulloch

Another leader of the hate campaign is Sarah McCulloch, who has written a whole series of defamatory articles about me making all sorts of false and quite ridiculous accusations.  I discovered when she filed a defence that she suffers from two diagnosed mental health conditions. I therefore made very generous offers to her to settle which would have avoided her paying me any damages at all. All I asked was that she remove the lies about me that she has published on her website.

However, in response she has perjured herself in an application to the Court which she failed to give me notice of.  A hearing will be held shortly at which the Court will consider her perjury and the deception she used in making an application which I knew nothing about.  Just yesterday I received a long pleading document from her in which she admits she has made a ‘mistake’.  I do not know what the consequences will be for her but my offer of settlement remains open.

Greg De Hoedt

Greg De Hoedt

Greg ‘Cure Ukay’ De Hoedt spent six months publishing the disgusting lie that I am a paedophile.  He has now spent more than a year hiding from me and trying to evade service of my Claim, using both his mother and Bovey to provide false information to the Court.  However, a hearing was held on 5th November 2013 giving him a final opportunity to accept service which he has failed to do.  A further hearing is now due at which judgment will be entered against him.

There are of course a few other footsoldiers involved who continue to stalk me and post abuse wherever I or my work with CLEAR are mentioned.  Full details of their identities and evidence of their activities will also be published on the new website.

Stuart Wyatt

Stuart Wyatt

Probably the most prolific is the severely disabled Stuart Wyatt of Plymouth.  He already has a terrible reputation as an internet troll and for violent attacks on people using his wheelchair.  Sadly, he has little else to do with his life. He deluges me with emails on at least a weekly basis and has spent years stalking me and trying to stir up hatred against me.  All his vile abuse will be published on the new website.

Also there is the hilarious Peter Reynolds Watch website, funded by Bovey and based offshore in Iceland where it is out of reach of the Court.  At first this caused me great worry and distress.  However, in the last year or so it has descended so far into absurdity that it has become a parody of itself, so ridiculous that it shows very clearly how dishonest and malicious are those responsible for it.

As soon as the new website goes live I will post the link here.

Chris Bovey’s Gang Of Twitter Trolls.

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This is the serial abuser Chris Bovey’s latest escapade – as vile, offensive and disgusting as everything else he’s been publishing about me since the end of March 2012.  This is the true measure of the man.

I’ve kept quiet about his behaviour and the vast quantity of evidence I have about him but as I wrote last week, I shall not be silent any more.  This is the sort of attack that I have been subject to on virtually a daily basis for nearly two years, all at the hands of the gang that Bovey runs and finances out of the profits from the sale of highly toxic, synthetic cannabinoids.

Just recently I’ve become aware of the way that so many women, similarly abused on Twitter, deal with it.  They re-tweet.  They display their abusers in all their shameful glory. That is what I’m now going to do with Bovey and his gang of trolls. I am going to publish all the disgusting abuse, blackmail, threats and harassment they have been engaged in, not just against me but against my family and my colleagues on the CLEAR executive committee.

This fake Twitter account, as you will see, has been set up in my name a few days ago (my genuine Twitter username is @TweeterReynolds) and has used a photo of me, copied from my Facebook page, which was only taken last Saturday when I was at a rugby match with my two sons.  This has been superimposed over a picture of a public toilet and uses a ‘paedophile information exchange’ header which shows an adult having sex with a child.   This sums up perfectly the typical behaviour and mindset of Bovey and his gang.

There are also pictures of Derek Williams and Mark Palmer (wearing his ‘dealer’ costume when we were filming a video). Derek and Mark are two of the longest serving and most respected cannabis law reform campaigners in Britain. Shortly I will publish an article detailing the abuse that Bovey and his gang have subjected them to. In particular, disgusting intimidation and threats against Derek and the most dreadful abusive bullying by Bovey in person which will shock any decent person when they read it.

I didn’t know what the NAMbLA logo was until I googled it.  It’s the North American Man/Boy Love Association, a paedophile advocacy group.  Perhaps Bovey got this idea from Greg ‘Cure Ukay’ de Hoedt.  He spent six months posting messages on Facebook that I am a paedophile and posting forged sex profiles of me.  I am hopeful of obtaining judgment against him in the High Court very shortly. There must be many people who don’t know the true character of those who set up NORML UK after their hijack of the CLEAR website and theft of our membership list.  They have dragged the good name of NORML into the gutter in Britain.

There is a vast quantity of evidence of Bovey’s abuse which I shall be posting over the next few weeks.

For A Bad Cop, Prison Is Just The Start

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Doing His Duty

I hope that  ex-Police Sergeant Mark Andrews had a really bad night on Tuesday.   It was his first night in jail after being sentenced to six months for assaulting Pamela Somerville, an innocent member of the public, someone he was paid and trusted to protect.  See here for the full story.

I hope he had a really bad day yesterday too.  I hope he’s scared.  I hope he’s ashamed and racked with guilt.  I hope he has a really bad day tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.  I hope every single minute of his jail time is frightening, distressing, humiliating and painful.  I hope he misses his wife and two children and is beside himself with grief and shame at the way he has let them down.  The man is pond life scum.  He should be extremely grateful that he got off so lightly because if I was the judge I would have considered six years to be a more appropriate sentence than six months.   In fact,  I really hope that the CPS appeals the sentence.  There’s no way that it is sufficient.  He’ll  be out in just 13 weeks and free to go back to his family.   He should be made to suffer.

When a police officer commits a crime, particularly an assault while on duty, it is far, far more serious than when it is an ordinary member of the public.  It is a breach of trust.   It is like a bank manager stealing from his own bank.  It can never be forgiven.  It has to be marked as the most heinous of crimes.

Sleazy Starmer

I suppose we have to be thankful that the CPS even brought charges in the first place.  It and its thoroughly sleazy boss, Keir Starmer, seem to do everything they can to avoid bringing police officers to justice.   Keir Starmer has the brazen cheek to pontificate about changing the system of murder charges when he is complicit in enabling police officers to avoid justice!  See here.   We’re really not interested in his thoughts about the future of justice in Britain.  He is too deeply ensconsed in the corruption and failures of the past.  We want him out of his job and on the scrapheap with Andrews.    In fact,  I’d have him in the cell next door to Andrews and I’d put them both back on slopping out but they could do each other’s rather than their own.

I congratulate Wiltshire Constabulary on bringing Andrews to justice and particularly the police officer who turned him in.  That man deserves a medal.



This should send a signal to thugs like Delroy Smellie, Simon Harwood and every other bent cop that you will never, ever get away with your behaviour.  Even if you manage to wriggle free like Smellie with the assistance of slimeball judges or evade the full force of the law like Harwood with the help of his crony Starmer, we, the British public, will never let you off.   It won’t ever be over for you, whether or not you do time in prison.  You and your kind are on a life sentence.  You will be despised, reviled, hated and subject to ridicule and abuse until the end of your days.  You deserve nothing less.

Censors And Abusers Of The Blogosphere

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By comment on this post I will record all those bloggers and website publishers who have chosen to bar me from their sites.

Book Burners

You might think for a gentle if opinionated Brit like me that’s unlikely to happen but it already has – several times.  I am profoundly distressed that most of the censors are from the US.  In fact I have learned a lot about America recently that I don’t like very much at all.  I’m disillusioned by the sheer nastiness and level of abuse that has been directed at me just for expressing my opinions.

I NEVER descend to abuse when commenting on other people’s words.  I NEVER censor comments that other people post about what I have written.

What amazes me is that so many of these people just can’t take the debate.  They descend into abuse and then they bar me.   If I did as they do I’d be so embarrassed and ashamed of my behaviour I don’t think I could carry on writing.  That’s how important integrity is to me and how irrelevant it seems to be to these people.

Some of the craftier censors don’t bar me completely. It’s almost unbelieveable isn’t it (?) but what they do is edit my posts or allow some while deleting others!  It’s incredible isn’t it that people can stoop so low?

So I do intend to embarrass these cowards here.  At least by posting links to their sites they will learn that they’ve been placed, deservingly, into the same category as book burners and censors the world over and throughout history.

Of course, anyone who wishes to explain, argue or defend their actions has only to post here.  All comments will be published in full.

Welcome to my hall of shame.

Facebook – It’s A Snide, Snide World

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I don’t know the name of the geek from Facebook who said that he wanted everyone on the planet to become a member of his website but he follows Adolf, Joseph, Benito, Francisco and other tyrants in having ambitions that must be thwarted at all costs.

Let me be clear, yes, you can find me on Facebook.  It’s true, with nearly half a billion members it is difficult to ignore it.  I use it to publicise this blog to as wide an audience as possible.  You can call me a hypocrite if you want but I don’t and won’t participate in the snide, puerile and thoroughly unhealthy relationships and lifestyle that it promotes.

Is This The Real Life Or Is It Just Fantasy?

If there are nearly a half a billion members on the site there must be at least a billion virtually identical photographs that consist of two or three faces (usually inane blondes at a party) pressed together cheek to cheek with vile grimaces or smiles.   If it’s supposed to be about individuals why does everyone look exactly the same, talk exactly the same and behave exactly the same?

There are now an extraordinary number of sad, dysfunctional people who live their life, vicariously and actually, on Facebook.  This, I believe, should be of great concern to all of us.  More than that, the site encourages behaviour that is dishonest, underhand and snide.  It’s not a force for good.  It’s a force for evil.  It’s a perversion and abuse of the internet, probably mankind’s greatest ever invention.

You know the sort of person who’d rather text than make a phone call?  It’s often very dishonest communication, the ideal way for a coward to make excuses, lie or deceive.  It’s said that 80% of communication is non-verbal and you certainly get a lot of that extra meaning over the phone.  You get none at all by text.  It’s just the bare, badly, carelessly or deceptively chosen words. Facebook goes even further, it encourages members to post messages and pictures so that they’re seen by third parties as well.  In fact, often the message or picture is posted mainly for their benefit, to embarass or annoy.  This is the real wickedness.  It’s already led to murders and countless, countless, arguments and disputes which have ended in violence.  Of course, it depends on you.   You or your friends can behave badly through any medium or face to face.  The point is Facebook encourages you to be snide.  It’s not nice.

I don’t know what the answer is.  I certainly wouldn’t be encouraging children to use it.  For many it’s already become a substitute for real life.  Its most well known deficiency is the way it makes you collect an ever greater quantity of friends with no regard whatsoever for quality.  My sons and all their real world friends have in excess of 1,000 Facebook friends.  I have 24 so that must make me – what?

There’s no doubt that there are business opportunities presented by Facebook. With that many members there’s bound to be.  In that context it’s not surprising that Cheryl Cole has 1,698,477 friends.  Mind you, Paul Macartney only has 11!

So I’ll be staying on Facebook but I won’t be participating in it.  I think it should have a big warning flash up on the screen every time you log in: “GET A LIFE”