Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘threat

The Truth Behind The Peter Reynolds Hate Campaign.

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I am delighted to announce that a new website is in the process of construction which will set out all the facts and evidence about the hate campaign that I have been subject to since I was elected as leader of CLEAR.  Two people have volunteered to run this on my behalf and I am most grateful to them.  Stringent security precautions will be taken to protect them as those who run the campaign against me have shown that they are prepared to use abuse,  harassment, blackmail, intimidation and all sorts of threats including violence.

Chris Bovey

Chris Bovey

The principal ringleader, Chris Bovey of Totnes, succeeded in having my claim for defamation struck out in the High Court last month.  In essence, he has spent about £50,000 with his lawyers to have my Claim struck out without any of the evidence or issues being heard.  Of course, this was his only hope because the evidence against him is impossible to defeat.  It is by his own hand and shows unequivocally that he is a liar and was acting out of malice in everything that he published about me and paid others to publish.  All the evidence will shortly be published on the new website.

My appeal against the Order striking out my claim is being prepared.  The Order is in direct conflict with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, incorporated into the Human Rights Act 1998, which states:

“In the determination of [my] civil rights [I am] entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.”

There has, of course, been no hearing at all on any of the evidence or issues which my Claim concerns.

Sarah McCulloch

Sarah McCulloch

Another leader of the hate campaign is Sarah McCulloch, who has written a whole series of defamatory articles about me making all sorts of false and quite ridiculous accusations.  I discovered when she filed a defence that she suffers from two diagnosed mental health conditions. I therefore made very generous offers to her to settle which would have avoided her paying me any damages at all. All I asked was that she remove the lies about me that she has published on her website.

However, in response she has perjured herself in an application to the Court which she failed to give me notice of.  A hearing will be held shortly at which the Court will consider her perjury and the deception she used in making an application which I knew nothing about.  Just yesterday I received a long pleading document from her in which she admits she has made a ‘mistake’.  I do not know what the consequences will be for her but my offer of settlement remains open.

Greg De Hoedt

Greg De Hoedt

Greg ‘Cure Ukay’ De Hoedt spent six months publishing the disgusting lie that I am a paedophile.  He has now spent more than a year hiding from me and trying to evade service of my Claim, using both his mother and Bovey to provide false information to the Court.  However, a hearing was held on 5th November 2013 giving him a final opportunity to accept service which he has failed to do.  A further hearing is now due at which judgment will be entered against him.

There are of course a few other footsoldiers involved who continue to stalk me and post abuse wherever I or my work with CLEAR are mentioned.  Full details of their identities and evidence of their activities will also be published on the new website.

Stuart Wyatt

Stuart Wyatt

Probably the most prolific is the severely disabled Stuart Wyatt of Plymouth.  He already has a terrible reputation as an internet troll and for violent attacks on people using his wheelchair.  Sadly, he has little else to do with his life. He deluges me with emails on at least a weekly basis and has spent years stalking me and trying to stir up hatred against me.  All his vile abuse will be published on the new website.

Also there is the hilarious Peter Reynolds Watch website, funded by Bovey and based offshore in Iceland where it is out of reach of the Court.  At first this caused me great worry and distress.  However, in the last year or so it has descended so far into absurdity that it has become a parody of itself, so ridiculous that it shows very clearly how dishonest and malicious are those responsible for it.

As soon as the new website goes live I will post the link here.

Iran Sanctions. Too Little, Too Late.

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Islamist Lunatic

As usual it ended up taking too long and it was watered down so far as to be ineffective.  UN Imposes Sanctions On Iran

Any reasonable person, be they Iranian, Israeli, European, American, any member of the human race with any sort of rational approach to the world knows that it’s not a good idea for Iran to have nuclear weapons.

I see no justification for Israel’s conduct in Gaza but if lunatic Islamists like Ahmadinejad go nuclear, Israel would have no option but to launch a pre-emptive strike.  Israel would have every justification in responding with extreme force to a threat that it will be “wiped off the face of the earth”.  The whole world would have to stand behind Israel.

If that pre-emptive strike has to come then it must come sooner rather than later so that it can be non-nuclear.  Iran must be stopped before it has a nuclear capability.

In the interests of peace a joint NATO/Israel strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities must be considered.  I expect that plans already exist.  Let us pray that Iran steps back.

Send British Troops To Gaza. Nazi Israel Must Be Stopped.

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The Israeli pirate assault on aid ships seeking to relieve the besieged people of Gaza is just the latest atrocity from this vile and inhuman regime.

Stormtroopers Against Saints

Israel now represents just as much a threat to civilisation as did Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.  It constantly flouts UN resolutions, commits war crimes and we are certain that it has weapons of mass destruction.   The civilised world needs to step in.  Israel must be stopped at all costs and this is a cause that it is worth our troops dying for.  It is more urgent and pressing than Afghanistan.  British troops would be better employed in crushing the evil Israelis than they are in fighting the Taliban.  If we do not stand up against the great Nazi evil that Israel has become then we have no right to call ourselves civilised

We should send in the Navy and smash the Israeli blockade, open up a sea corridor to allow aid and relief in.  HMS Daring, with the most advanced anti-aircraft weaponry in the world,  should stop tootling up and down the south coast and blast the Israeli air force out of the sky.   The time for negotiating with and appeasing this pariah state is past.  We must take decisive action now.


I am not anti-semitic because Arabs are Semites just as much as Jews.  I am not anti-Jewish but I don’t understand the relationship betwen the state of Israel and the Jewish religion.  I am anti-Israel and all men of honour, decency and common sense must be.  Its conduct in Gaza and throughout Palestine is beyond any justification.  Its conduct is always disproportionate.  Its whinging about the little fireworks that the Palestinians shoot in is pathetic.  If  my country was being oppressed and bullied then I would react at least the same.  Suicide bombers against Israeli targets are equally as justified and heroic as any suicide mission against the Nazis in the Second World War.

War Criminal

This may well be my generation’s equivalent of the Spanish Civil War.  Give me a chance to fight against the fascist Israelis and I don’t see how my conscience could deny it.  They need to be given a dose of their own medicine and pulverised into submission, forced to withdraw from the settlements, forced to abandon their entire national strategy and policy.  It is clear that the world made a great mistake in establishing the state of Israel.  Perhaps we should have left them to their fate.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is presently in Canada, a nation famed for its defence of freedom and justice.  He should be immediately arrested and detained as a war criminal.

The onus is now on us.   Obama and Cameron must step up to the plate and condemn this action outright.  US and UK forces must join in this most urgent mission.   Leave the rest of Europe to dither as usual.  We must get on with the job.