Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘conscience

Pakistan. The Uncomfortable Truth

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This may be a very uncomfortable truth but I think the world has made its moral judgement on Pakistan.  In a sense it is wonderful that the world has a collective moral conscience but it is a tragedy for the innocent Pakistanis.


The professional aid givers, campaigners and do gooders will do their best but the simple truth is that there is a complete inertia, an ambivalence about Pakistan because of the treason that it has committed against the human race.  Sympathy for individual suffering will continue but Pakistan is reaping what it has sown.

This may lead to even bigger problems.  There are thousands yet to die as a result of the floods.  Extremist Islamists, as the psychopaths that they are, will seek to exploit this and they may succeed.  Nevertheless, it will not alter, in fact it will probably reinforce the world’s antipathy for Pakistan.

As in all such crises what is needed is leadership.  Obama emerged from nowhere to rescue America from its descent into shame.  Let us pray that a real leader comes forward for Pakistan.

Thank God For The Prince Of Wales

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Otherwise our country would be littered with vainglorious, egotistical self-monuments to architects –  individuals like Richard Rogers who persist in the delusion that they know best.

Site Foreman

A Cluster Of Carbuncles

Prince Charles speaks with wisdom, discretion and for the conscience of the Nation.  Those who understand the unique place that the monarchy holds in British society know that he speaks for a Britishness that transcends politics, fashion and the vicissitudes of architecture.  To use their own, pretentious expression, architects create our “built environment”, the very space in which we live our lives.  What other profession charged with such a grave responsibility has failed so miserably over the last century?  Where is the great architecture of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and up to date? I can think of none but I can make you lists of the eyesores, slums and ludicrous mistakes that scar our towns and cities.

Thank God for the Prince of Wales!  To the architects, the planners, those lawyers and judges who know no respect, I say take them to the Tower!  Let them languish there until their own mistakes have crumbled into dust.  Then we might give them another go.  Until then let’s stick with the proven classics of design.  Innovation and experiment may be valid in modern art but in architecture there can be no equivalent of Damian Hirst or Tracy Emin.  They may thrive in private view but not in public.  No thank you!

Send British Troops To Gaza. Nazi Israel Must Be Stopped.

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The Israeli pirate assault on aid ships seeking to relieve the besieged people of Gaza is just the latest atrocity from this vile and inhuman regime.

Stormtroopers Against Saints

Israel now represents just as much a threat to civilisation as did Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.  It constantly flouts UN resolutions, commits war crimes and we are certain that it has weapons of mass destruction.   The civilised world needs to step in.  Israel must be stopped at all costs and this is a cause that it is worth our troops dying for.  It is more urgent and pressing than Afghanistan.  British troops would be better employed in crushing the evil Israelis than they are in fighting the Taliban.  If we do not stand up against the great Nazi evil that Israel has become then we have no right to call ourselves civilised

We should send in the Navy and smash the Israeli blockade, open up a sea corridor to allow aid and relief in.  HMS Daring, with the most advanced anti-aircraft weaponry in the world,  should stop tootling up and down the south coast and blast the Israeli air force out of the sky.   The time for negotiating with and appeasing this pariah state is past.  We must take decisive action now.


I am not anti-semitic because Arabs are Semites just as much as Jews.  I am not anti-Jewish but I don’t understand the relationship betwen the state of Israel and the Jewish religion.  I am anti-Israel and all men of honour, decency and common sense must be.  Its conduct in Gaza and throughout Palestine is beyond any justification.  Its conduct is always disproportionate.  Its whinging about the little fireworks that the Palestinians shoot in is pathetic.  If  my country was being oppressed and bullied then I would react at least the same.  Suicide bombers against Israeli targets are equally as justified and heroic as any suicide mission against the Nazis in the Second World War.

War Criminal

This may well be my generation’s equivalent of the Spanish Civil War.  Give me a chance to fight against the fascist Israelis and I don’t see how my conscience could deny it.  They need to be given a dose of their own medicine and pulverised into submission, forced to withdraw from the settlements, forced to abandon their entire national strategy and policy.  It is clear that the world made a great mistake in establishing the state of Israel.  Perhaps we should have left them to their fate.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is presently in Canada, a nation famed for its defence of freedom and justice.  He should be immediately arrested and detained as a war criminal.

The onus is now on us.   Obama and Cameron must step up to the plate and condemn this action outright.  US and UK forces must join in this most urgent mission.   Leave the rest of Europe to dither as usual.  We must get on with the job.

Jim Knight, Jiminy Cricket.

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Jiminy Cricket

Do The Right Thing Jim!

Jim Knight told the Dorset Echo: “…at no time has he given me tax advice on my personal affairs…”.

But Jim! Jim! Jiminy Cricket, conscience of the world! Jim!

The bill that you claimed for said “…in connection with your personal tax affairs”.  Jim, Jim, Jiminy Cricket, the game is up!

Jim Knightlong

Jim Knight MP, Scumbag Thief

Written by Peter Reynolds

May 26, 2009 at 8:35 pm

Castration Is The Answer

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How can a man rape a two year old girl?

I mean the question in both senses.  How, physically, is it possible without vile and serious physical trauma?  How is it possible for any human being with any degree of conscience or decency?

These questions are unanswerable. So is the crime.  No punishment can be sufficient.  A death sentence would be both too forgiving and morally indefensible.  Surely life must mean life?  Perhaps we should consider “hard labour” or some other definition of the way that this man must spend his time in prison?

But of course this is not a man.  This is a sentient being that has behaved at a level beneath a dumb animal.  I doubt that he is “mad” in any sense that we can define.  He is simply bad.  For the full story see here.ball

Louis Theroux’s recent documentary, “A Place For Paedophiles”, gave an extraordinary insight into Coalinga mental hospital in California where more than 500 paedophiles who have served their sentence have been detained because  they are too dangerous to release.  The BBC has already removed this from the iPlayer so am I happy to direct you elsewhere: (download it here via BitTorrent).

In Coalinga more than 70% of the inmates refuse to participate in the therapy that is their only remote possibility of release.  Otherwise they are destined to spend the rest of their days locked up, even if in relative luxury.  One inmate who was participating in therapy had gone as far as having himself surgically castrated in the hope of release.

Now this may be a way forward.  Why not make surgical castration an option for depraved, out of control monsters such as the one convicted yesterday?  It could be optional, as part of rehabilitation, or in the most serious cases enforced as part of the sentence.  For someone guilty of such appalling crimes I do not see this as any infringement of his rights.