Peter Reynolds

The life and times of Peter Reynolds

Posts Tagged ‘idiotic

Smellie Not Guilty Verdict Stinks

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No!  No!  No!  I do not believe it!  This has to be one of the greatest travesties of justice ever inflicted on the British people.  Sergeant Delroy Smellie who beat Nicola Fisher with the back of his hand and his baton at the G20 protest has been acquitted of assault.  This is an outrage, a bad and sad day for Britain.  The man is a bully, a brute and a liar.  He is a violent criminal who should go to jail for at least two years.


We all saw it, in full colour on our television screens.  The man is an unmitigated thug.   There can be no doubt in the mind of any reasonable person.  The video evidence is entirely conclusive.  The excuses put forward in his defence are manifest nonsense.  District Judge Daphne Wickham who made this disgraceful decision is either corrupt or dumb.  Her ruling flies in the face of common sense, reason and fairness.  Her comments as detailed here are absurd.  We should not stand for this.  There should be protest on the streets, questions in the House and an immediate appeal against the verdict.

Bad Apple

So, on the same day that guilty verdicts were delivered in the first trial without a jury for 350 years, we see the true colours of our increasingly cowardly and politically controlled judicial system.  British justice is a laughing stock.  It has no value any more, at all.

All the decent and honourable police officers out there must realise that this decision damages them beyond repair.  Who will stand up for justice now?  Who can we trust?

Overpaid, Overperked And Overcome With Vanity

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You Used To Be Sexy!

The BA cabin crew staff need to wake up to reality and get back to work.

The conduct of Unite, of Tony Woodley and Derek Simpson is just completely unbelievable.  I cannot believe that two evidently intelligent men can seriously espouse the policies they are presenting.

Mad Or Bad?

I think the truth must be that this is an old fashioned, ultra left wing plot to “overthrow the capitalist system”, to in some way promote the left’s agenda as Gordon Brown leads Labour to inevitable, humiliating defeat.

I can understand the BA cabin crew staff being taken in by Unite’s idiotic stance because self-interest can blind us all to common sense.

The very idea that such ludicrous policies could prosper is ridiculous.  The truth is in the BA share price.  The cabin crew staff are overpaid, overperked and overcome with vanity if they see any future in their strike.

Get back to work now.

Mephedrone – I Told You So

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Last year the formerly intelligent and sensible Alan Johnson got himself involved in the misinformation campaign against cannabis and several members of the Advisory Council On The Misuse Of Drugs resigned.  The ACMD is now unable to function and the real concern that there now is about mephedrone (see here) cannot be properly addressed.

I said this would happen but I take no pleasure in being proved right.  It is just another example of the idiotic and irrational way that our politicians deal with the drugs issue.

So while I think it is essential that the safety of mephedrone is examined, the hysterical, hang ’em high, lock ’em all up, stop them having fun brigade is out and proud yet again.

The two boys who died in Scunthorpe had also taken methadone which is an opiate substitute and known to be lethal.  I wonder what the real cause of death will prove to be?

If there is any intelligent life left in the government perhaps someone might wake up to the fact that, generally speaking, politicians and legislation cause more problems with drugs than they solve.

There is common sense to be found in the debate on drugs.  See Transform Drug Policy Foundation.

Foolish Staff Unite To Destroy BA

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The BA cabin crew strike over Christmas is a huge mistake by the staff and the union.  It’s a disaster for the company.


The union “Unite” is just about all that’s left of the entire trade union movement anyway.  There’s not much else left that has any power. It looks like some latter day Scargill is behind this idiotic strike.  If Unite hoped to gain some public sympathy by destroying a million passengers’ Christmas plans then it has made a grave miscalculation.

As for the staff, we no longer have any remaining affection for this strange group of people.  Once, of course, they were central to the glamour of air travel.  Now, the fact that nearly all the men are homosexual has gone beyond a joke and become oppressive.  The girls are no longer sweet and delightful. Now they are like severe school mistresses, more concerned with monitoring your alcohol consumption than being appropriately deferential and making you feel special.

It’s not BA’s fault that all the glamour has gone and that air travel is now an ordeal rather than a pleasure.  That is down to Easyjet and the appalling Ryanair and vulgar Michael O’Leary.

This is dreadful news for all concerned but the public will punish BA severely.  Any loyalty or talk of “favourite” is all gone now.  There will be long term, severe and well-deserved consequences for the staff.

Written by Peter Reynolds

December 15, 2009 at 8:30 pm

Man’s Best Friend

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Dogs have lived alongside man for tens of thousands of years.  Even before our species could be so defined our predecessors made a pact with each other.  Mutual advantage was the bargain and so it has been ever since.  The relationship is in our DNA.  There is a primeval bond between us.

Capone & Carla

Dogs can be dangerous.  Mostly this is a function of how they are treated but there is the wild card.  I would never, ever leave any breed of dog alone with a child.   Thankfully, considering how many badly treated dogs and irresponsible owners there are, tragedies are few and far between.  Nothing can extinguish the agony of what happened in Liverpool yesterday but there is a solution.

Bring back the dog licence.  Make it cost £100 per year.  Give pensioners a rebate of £90.  Every dog must be microchipped to correspond with its licence.  Enforce it.  Guaranteed, problem solved.

Instead we have idiotic politicians who play about with incompetent, ridiculous and irrelevant legislation like the Dangerous Dogs Act – while children are mauled to death in their own homes.

Abandon Afghanistan Now!

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Our so called leaders don’t listen to us.  They’ve abandoned any pretence of democracy by imposing a new European regime and president on us.  They don’t even listen to their expert advisors.  Instead they prolong an idiotic and discredited drugs strategy that brings violent crime to the streets of every town in the country and funds international terrorism.

Perhaps they will hear the crunch of Gulbeddin’s bullets as they smash into British flesh and bone?

Please listen!  Too many heroes have died or been cruelly maimed.  This foreign land is not worth it and the idea that this strategy is protecting us at home is nonsense.

Now is the time to abandon Afghanistan.  Leave behind the disgusting and corrupt Karzai for, sure enough, whatever we do, he is doomed to suffer a grisly and horrific fate.  Leave behind the Taliban for they are medieval evil but with no interest outside their own borders.  Leave behind the Afghan people because much as we may deplore their treatment of women and of each other that is their problem, not ours.  Bring our boys home!

As for Al Qaeda and the threat of a renegade nuclear Pakistan, let us install a small but powerful contingent of our most heavily armed troops, garrisoned in impregnable fortresses.  In conjunction with our allies they should be equipped with the very best that we have.  Mostly they can observe and use pilotless drones to interdict where necessary.  All movements should be done by helicopter because we have no real interest in “hearts and minds”.  When necessary, overwhelming, unrelenting and merciless force must be used against our enemies and yes, let our men have battlefield nuclear weapons too.  We need to blast these evil Islamists off the face of the earth.  There is no more time for patience or consideration or concern.

Village Idiots Or Village Idiocy?

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We are very fortunate in Great Britain to have clearly defined borders.  Our status as an island has enabled us to avoid much of the evil and wickedness that has plagued continental Europe.  Throughout history neighbour has turned upon neighbour and viciousness and persecution have been rife.  Hitler did not start the persecution of the Jews.  Particularly in France and the low countries, they were persecuted across the centuries. Between Poland and Romania there is an enmity that defies belief.

Much that is great in Britain has evolved from our island culture but we have not escaped the darker side of human nature.  Much that is worst in Britain can be seen in the petty jealousies and behaviours of village life.  Just as insidious and cruel as the persecution of the Jews is the way that gossip, resistance to change and selfishness runs deep in British village life.

You Know Who You Are!

You Know Who You Are!

They nearly always start with “I’ve lived in the village for more than X years…”.  X needs to be at least 20 and for real seniority you need to be able to boast of 30 or 40 years residency.  Then, according to this idiotic doctrine, you have some sort of right to impose your view of the world on your neighbours.  Just because you were there first?

It is to the eternal shame of rural villagers in Britain that the Vestas wind turbine factory on the Isle Of Wight is to close.  There is simply no market for onshore wind turbines in Britain because the “NIMBYs” (Not In My Back Yard) object at every stage and shove the problem of energy and ecology onto someone else.

I won’t be actively campaigning for, say, 10 wind turbines along the top of White Horse Hill but what right would any of us have to object?  If you want to switch your kettle on or watch TV or enjoy a hot bath in the depths of winter, you need to be prepared to compromise, particularly if you want your grandchildren to enjoy a future on this planet.  In any case, wind turbines have a beauty and elegance of their own.  Look at the way that we now revere some of the great aqueducts built in the 19th century – before the days when the small minded, selfish, blue rinse brigade were able to resist any and all change.

It’s not just about planning and environment though.  It’s a more general problem about attitudes towards others and our own selfishness.  Gossip, whinging and a failure to welcome and include others and the change that they bring are the symptoms of this British disease.  So next time you hear them start with “I’ve lived in the village for more than 40 years”, be careful.  The chances are that what comes next is going to be selfish, small minded rubbish.